
Aldi-obsessed cat sparks huge debate after cute video goes viral 2023

Aldi-obsessed cat sparks huge debate after cute video goes viral 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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A cat has gone viral on Instagram for its love of Aldi, forcing its owner to post the words “There’s no shortage of signs”.

“Every day in the Aldi parking lot, Benji is reported missing,” the Instagram video begins. To the owner’s dismay, they declared: “He keeps going to Aldi.”

This led them to create laminated signs, with a photo of Benji saying “I’m not lost.”

“I had my number on his card,” they began, “(So) people would call us 20 – 30 times a day.”

This meant the owner had to change Benji’s card to avoid the incessant calls. Now it says “Don’t feed me, I’m allergic. If I’m at Aldi I’m fine.”

The owner shared another interesting fact about Benji – he uses the toilet just like a human. Apparently, as the woman was potty training her son, the cat began copying the process.

People argue about ‘Aldi cats’

The video went viral on Instagram and unsurprisingly attracted a lot of comments. In fact, quite a debate has broken out about the life of the now famous Aldi cat.

One person said “How about this. Don’t let your cats roam outdoors, it’s irresponsible.”

However, the most liked comment on the post thought differently as they stated: “It’s crazy to think that so many people have problems with cats going outside. It’s strange to have a cat indoors unless you absolutely have to. They are outdoor animals.”

The indoor vs. outdoor cat debate is still raging, as some people argue that cats should be allowed to roam freely, while others argue that it is cruel to even cats, who will have a shorter lifespan outdoors, as well as the wildlife that outdoor cats will target.

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“In all cases, the decision must be made based on the individual cat and their individual preferences, as well as the type of environment they will be exposed to if allowed to roam,” explain the experts at International Cat Care. ”.

Another complained about Benji using the toilet, saying “Please don’t encourage cats to do a second thing in the toilet, there are parasites and germs that our water system won’t be able to handle.” removed, so they go straight into the power source.” provide.”

Another tried to negotiate the debate surrounding the video, saying “Sometimes I really don’t like social media. Today, cute cat videos are hijacked by lectures on keeping cats indoors, and strangely enough, tap water is now dangerous.”

One thing everyone can agree on is that Benji is a cute cat.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Bio, Make Money Blogging

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Aldi-obsessed cat sparks huge debate after cute video goes viral

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