
Alexa Dellanos- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Alexa Dellanos- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Alexa Dellanos- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Alexa Dellanos is a renowned social media personality and lifestyle content provider from the United States. Alexa Dellanos is well-known for her incredible material on numerous digital platforms. She is also the daughter of Myrka, a TV and radio broadcaster, journalist, novelist, and socialite.

Quick Facts

Real NameAlexa Dellanos
Nick NameAlexa
Date Of BirthDecember 30, 1995
Age27 years old
BirthplaceUnited States of America
ProfessionInstagram Star
Height5 feet 2 inches
Weight54 kg
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye colorBrown
Net Worth$500k

Alexa Dellanos’s Age & Early Life

Alexa Dellanos was born in the United States of America. Her mother’s name is Myrka Dellanos (TV celebrity), and her father’s name is Dr. Alejandro Loynaz. They married in 1991 but divorced in 1998. Ulysses Daniel Alonso (m. 2008-2010) and David Matthews (m. 2000-2002) were afterward married and divorced by her mother. Alexa is the sole child of Caucasian parents and is their only kid. Her scholastic records indicate that she may have finished high school.

Alexa Dellanos Height & Weight

Alexa Dellanos is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 54 kilograms. In addition, she has lovely light brown eyes and blonde hair. Her curvy shape measures 36-25-35 inches. She maintains her physical fitness by eating a vegan diet. She also had some implants done to help her physical parts. Alexa had lip, breast, and buttock procedures that cost roughly $17,000 each.

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Alexa Dellanos- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 1Alexa Dellanos- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2

Alexa Dellanos’s Net Worth

How much is Alexa Dellanos’s net worth? According to July 2023 statistics, she has a net worth of roughly $500 thousand (estimated). Her yearly wage from her online profession is unknown. Her mother, TV celebrity Myrka, has assets of $16 million.


Alexa Dellanos is a well-known internet personality. Her lifestyle-related videos are popular on her YouTube account. She has almost 45k followers on this channel, which she started in April 2017. Dellanos also has an Instagram account with around 5.5 million followers. She posts images of herself in various postures for her admirers.

Alexa Dellanos Boyfriend & Dating

Who is Alexa Dellanos dating? Alexa Dellanos is now unavailable. She has been dating Alec Monopoly since 2017. Her lover is a street artist with a $12 million net worth.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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