
Alyssa Shouse- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023

Alyssa Shouse- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Alyssa Shouse- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Alyssa Shouse is a well-known singer, songwriter, and actor from the United States. Alyssa Shouse is well-known for her YouTube channel. Call Out My Name (2018), Back to You (2018), One Call Away (2016), and Traffic (2015) are also among her notable works.

Quick Facts

Real NameAlyssa Shouse
Nick NameAlyssa
Date Of Birth24 May 1995
Age28 years old
BirthplaceHoward County, Maryland, USA
ProfessionActress, singer, songwriter
Height5 feet 5 inches
Weight55 kg
Hair ColorDark brown
Eye colorBlack
Net Worth$500k

Alyssa Shouse’s Age & Early Life

Alyssa Shouse was born on May 24, 1995. She is now 28 years old. Similarly, she was born in Howard County, Maryland, USA. Alyssa is the daughter of Paula Shouse, and Karen is her mother. In addition, she has four sisters and a brother. Paul Shouse (brother), Nicole, Megan, Mary, and Erica (sisters) are her siblings’ names. In terms of nationality, Alyssa identifies as American and her ethnicity is Caucasian. Music has always captivated the actress since she was a youngster. She began participating in school talent events when she was eight years old, in third grade. In addition, she finished her schooling at home.

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Alyssa Shouse Height & Weight

Alyssa Shouse has both a beautiful appearance and a pleasant demeanor. She stands at 5 feet 5 inches tall. She also has a healthy body weight of 55 kg. Furthermore, Shouse has dark brown hair and black eyes. Her physical measurements are 32-24-34 inches (chest-waist-hip). Shouse is a 32B bra size.

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Alyssa Shouse- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 1Alyssa Shouse- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2

Alyssa Shouse’s Net Worth

How much is Alyssa Shouse’s net worth? Alyssa Shouse, a multitalented personality, has made a good living from her several professions. According to reports, Alyssa Shouse has a net worth of $500 thousand as of July 2023. She also has a net worth of $27,000 via her YouTube channel. However, the YouTuber has yet to reveal her actual income, earnings, and assets.

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 She is multi-talented and has a wide range of interests. Hannah DenHartigh has gained huge popularity on social media and has been followed by a huge number of fans. Her amazing talent and dedication is the main key of her success

Alyssa Shouse Husband & Marriage

Who is Alyssa Shouse’s husband? Alyssa Shouse, the multitalented personality, gets married. Her partner, Charles Longoria, is the father of her two children. The pair married on October 20, 2019, in Ijamsville, Maryland, USA. Megan Shouse, Erica Shouse, and Veronica Longoria were her flower girls.

She did, however, have a daughter before her marriage to her partner. In November 2016, Alyssa announced her pregnancy. She was just 20 years old when the couple had their first child, Emily Jane Longorira, on April 25, 2017. Emily is a mature child who is three years old. Shouse routinely shares images of herself and her daughter on Instagram.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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