
Andi Owen- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Husband, Ethnicity 2023

Andi Owen- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Husband, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Andi Owen- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Husband, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Andi Owen is an entrepreneur and business leader residing in the United States. She is currently the President and CEO of MillerKnoll. She recently made headlines after canceling all of the company’s employee bonuses.

Quick Facts

Real NameAndrea R. Owen
ProfessionEntrepreneur and business executive
Age57 years old 
Date of BirthNot Known
BirthplaceUnited States
HometownUnited States
Zodiac SignNot Known
CollegeWilliam & Mary University
Famous ForBeing the CEO & President of MillerKnoll

Andi Owen’s Biography

Andi Owen was born in the United States to an American family. Andrea R. Owen is her full name. His zodiac sign is unknown because her birth date is unknown. She attended William & Mary University in Williamsburg after finishing high school and graduated with a BA degree. According to her Linkedin profile, she enrolled in Harvard’s Advanced Management Program in 2018 and majored in Business Administration and Management.

Andrea Owen Age, Height, And Weight

As of 2023, Andi Owen’s age is 57. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs around 56 kg. Her hair is gray, and her eyes are brown. Her physical proportions are unknown, however, her shoe size is 7 (US).

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Andi Owen- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Husband, Ethnicity 1Andi Owen- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Husband, Ethnicity 2Andi Owen


Andi Owen began her business management career about three decades ago. In reality, she has more than 25 years of retail expertise. In 1988, she began her career as a Department Manager at Bloomingdale’s.

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However, she left the company after only three years to join Gap Inc./Banana Republic in July 1991. She worked as the company’s Zone Vice President for a little more than 12 years. She was then promoted to the position of General Manager in Canada.

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In May 2005, she was relocated to Gap’s Old Navy, where she worked as Vice President for the next year. She was appointed Senior Vice President of Gap in 2006. In 2010, she was promoted to Executive Vice President of the corporation, nearly four years later.

She made significant contributions to the company over the next five years, finally becoming Banana Republic’s Global President in December 2014. During her time at the company, she created a unique platform and used novel marketing and client acquisition techniques.

She joined the Mizzen+Main Board of Directors after leaving Banana Republic in March 2017. She eventually left the apparel company in August 2018 to work for Herman Miller. She was appointed President and CEO of the furniture company.

Taylor Morrison appointed her as a board member a month before she joined the company. She remained President and CEO of the merger business MillerKnoll after Herman Miller and Knoll merged in July 2021.

Andi Owen Husband, Marriage

Andi Owen is currently married. Glenn Karpf, on the other hand, is the name of her spouse. According to our study, she has a son, but his name is unknown. Despite her higher position in a highly recognized organization, she wishes to keep her personal details hidden from the broader public.

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Her ethnic background is unknown, but her nationality is American. We couldn’t find out anything about her family members, either, as we couldn’t in the other case. We will, however, update this information very soon.

Andrea Owen Salary & Earnings

Andi Owen’s net worth is believed to be $24 million as of July 2023. Her primary sources of income are her base pay and compensation. She received $1.1 million in salary in the previous fiscal year. She also received $1.4 million in stock awards, $1.3 million in “non-equity incentive plan” compensation, and $867,000 in option awards, according to NYPost. While she continues to collect bonuses, she has stated that no bonuses will be given to the company’s employees.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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