
Andy Hearnden- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Wife, Height, Ethnicity 2023

Andy Hearnden- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Wife, Height, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Andy Hearnden- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Wife, Height, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Andy Hearnden is a chef, Tiktok star, and social media personality from New Zealand. He is currently one of Tiktok’s rising chefs. He currently has over three million followers on the short video-sharing app.

Quick Facts

Real NameAndrew Hearnden
NicknameAndy, Andy Cooks
ProfessionChef, Tiktok star, and social media personality
Age38 [as of 2023]
Date of Birth7 October 1985
BirthplaceNew Zealand
HometownNew Zealand
Zodiac SignLibra
CollegeNot Known
Famous ForTiktoks

Andy Hearnden Biography

Andy Hearnden was born on October 7, 1985, in New Zealand to a Kiwi family. Andy is his nickname, and he is a Libra by birth sign. He finished his education at a local private school in his hometown. However, no information about his educational background is available.

Andy Hearnden Age, Height, And Weight

Andy Hearnden is 38 years old in 2023. He stands 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs approximately 82 kg. Andy has hazel eyes and greyish hair. While his body measurements are unknown, his shoe size is 11 (US).

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Andy Hearnden aspired to be a chef when he grew up. He has been working as a chef for more than a decade. According to his Linkedin profile, he began his career as the Head Chef at Ricker Restaurants.

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After two years at the restaurant, he left to work as the Head Chef at Cubitt House Ltd. Both of these locations are in London, but he eventually lost this job after 16 months because he relocated to Sydney. He spent eight months in the city working as a Senior Sous Chef at Merivale. He later relocated to Melbourne, where he worked as a chef in several restaurants, including Gills Diner (April 2013 – September 2015), Entrecote (September 2015 – September 2016), and St. Ali Coffee Roasters (September 2015 – September 2017).

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He accepted a position as Head of Food and Coffee at Emirates Leisure Retail Australia & New Zealand in September 2017. He worked in the same position for nearly three years before leaving during the pandemic period. He is currently employed in two different positions. He is the Managing Director of Duck & Olive Hospitality Solutions as well as the Executive Chef of Kilcoy Global Foods.

Looking at his social media career, he has spent many years sharing food recipes, pictures, and videos on his Instagram accounts. However, he found most of his internet success through Tiktok. His short videos went viral on the app, gaining him hundreds of thousands of followers. He currently has over 3.4 million followers and 62 million likes. His YouTube channel grew from a few thousand to more than 2 million subscribers after he reshared his Tiktok short videos.

Andy Hearnden Wife, Marriage

Andy Hearnden is currently romantically involved with Katelyn Flood. According to our research, she is his girlfriend, not his wife, as they have yet to marry. Regardless, the couple has been together for over eight years. Her occupation is thought to be that of a housewife. She also appears in nearly all of his short videos in which Andy is seen cooking a dish of her choosing.

Hearnden comes from a Christian family in New Zealand. Regardless of his popularity, he hasn’t really shared any information about his family members. He has a sister named Jessica Hearnden, according to what we know. We will soon update the rest of his family members’ information.

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Andy Hearnden Net Worth

Andy Hearnden’s net worth is estimated to be $2 million as of July 2023. Salary and sponsorships are his primary sources of income. Despite being a well-known social media personality, he still holds two different jobs. He is employed by two different companies and receives a set salary from each. On the other hand, he has used his celebrity to collaborate with world-class brands through his social media accounts. He has promoted numerous companies, including eBay, to date.-

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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