
Ankur Warikoo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Caste, Wife 2023

Ankur Warikoo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Caste, Wife 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Ankur Warikoo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Caste, Wife. Please like and share if You are interested!

Ankur Warikoo: Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Net Worth, Wife, Instagram, Siblings, kids, house, Zodiac, Nationality, Ethnicity, Caste, Book, Course, Management.  Ankur is a prominent famous public speaker, social media influencer, successful entrepreneur, author, angel investor, Youtuber, podcaster, content creator, and businessman. Ankur is a prominent personality for his entrepreneurship program. Along with this, Ankur made his name in the country as a motivational speaker for the new generation. He primarily provides start-up plans ideas for today’s youth. Not only this, but Ankur Wariko also nourishes the best start-up courses for his followers. Ankur is an angel investor and provides funds or capital for a business or businesses start-up in exchange for ownership equity or debt. The multi-talented personality is also a Youtuber and has over 1.26 million subscribers. On both his Instagram and youtube accounts, he makes investing and start-up-related videos on his channel. Recently, he launched his first book titled DO EPIC SHIT on 27 December 2021.

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Ankur Warikoo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Caste, Wife 1

Childhood of Ankur Warikoo

Ankur Warikoo was born on 25 August 1980 in Delhi. Since early childhood he was intelligent. He and his families are followers of the Hinduism religion. As per his Linkedin account, Ankur joined Don Bosco School, New Delhi for his high school education in 1986. Ankur Wariko completed his high school from Science stream in 1998. After completing his higher secondary education he took admission to the Hindu College, Delhi University. Ankur acquired his BSc degree in the field of Physics. Later Warikoo shifted to the United States for his higher studies. Ankur was born and raised in New Delhi. He is also a family man and loves to spend quality time with his family members.

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Ankur Warikoo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Caste, Wife 2

Ankur Warikoo Video Biography

Ankur Warikoo Family

Ankur Warikoo doesn’t share much information about his family on the internet. However, it is known that Ankur has two children in the family. They are named Vidur and Uzma respectively. He earn and then spent with his family. Ankur loves to spend holidays and vacations with his wife and kids. The name of his wife is Ruchi Budhiraja. His wife is also an entrepreneur like him.

Ankur’s Career

Ankur Warikoo is a famous entrepreneur in India. Ankur started his entrepreneurship at a very young age in his college only. He actively participated in various business plan seminars. Warikoo began his career as a Consultant in NIS Sparta in 2004. He then gained experience there for one year. later he joined A.T. Kearney as an Associate. For the next few years, he served in the position of Co-founder of Accentium Web. He was also the Venture Partner at Rocket Internet GmbH for three years. Later, Ankur became part of Groupon as a Head, Groupon APAC Emerging Markets. Climbing the ladder of success, Ankur worked as the CEO of Groupon. he then became the co-founder of a company named nearbuy.

Ankur Warikoo as an Entrepreneur

 Ankur began his Groupon’s India business as the founding CEO in 2011.  He led this business for 4 years 2011-2015. In the same firm, he was also given the additional responsibility of managing Groupon APAC  in three countries. These were Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines. Another bold step by him and his team was buying the Groupon India business from Groupon and making it into an independent entity. The company was then changed to nearbuy, which was funded by Sequoia.

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After becoming a student of consumer behavior he began to understand how people think, why they behave the way they do, and what encourages people to work their best. As a result, In 2016, he created an employer brand to attract the best talent. He began an online video series called “warikoo Wednesdays” on LinkedIn. In this series, he shares his experiences as a founder, CEO, and people manager. He shared his Twitter journey by sharing his own CV, which he termed as ‘Failure Résumé’. 

“Do Epic Shit”

Ankur Warkoo is also an author and he recently launched his debut book titled Do Epic Shit on 27 December 2021. He was working on his book for a long-time and the launch made his follower very happy. His book is currently amongst the Amazon bestseller. Ankur distributes 100o signed copies for the first buyers. Along with this he also gave 500 copies as a gift after completing his 1 million followers.

Ankur Warikoo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Caste, Wife 3

Here is the full Bio/Wiki of Ankur Warikoo, her/his family/ mother/ father/ brother name, age, height in feet, weight, body measurements, interests/hobbies, boyfriends, girlfriends, husband, wife, spouse, cars, property, bikes, address, email, house, hometown, ethnicity, hometown, birthplace, parents, achievements, phone number, school, his/her Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, earning /income/net worth, birthday, zodiac sign, education, caste, religion, Date Of Birth.

Ankur Warikoo Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

Real NameAnkur Warikoo
Professionpublic speaker, social media influencer, successful entrepreneur, author, angel investor, Youtuber, podcaster, content creator, and businessman
Height (approx.)

in centimeters– 175 cm

in meters– 1.75 m

feet inches– 5’ 9”

Weight (approx.)

in kilograms– 80 kg

in pounds– 176 lbs

Figure Measurements (approx.)medium built
Eye ColourBrown
Hair ColourBlack
Date of Birth25 August 1980 
Age (as in 2021) Years
Birth PlaceDelhi, India
Zodiac sign/Sun signVirgo
HometownDelhi, India
SchoolDon Bosco School, Delhi

Hindu college

Indian  school of business

university of Michigan 

Educational Qualification

Graduate in physics

Masters in Bussiness Administration 

CasteNot Known
AddressNot Known
Hobbies/InetrestsTraveling, Listening to Music
Marital Statusmarried
Affairs/Boyfriends/Girlfriendsnot known

Father: Not Known

Mother: Not Known


Brother: Not Known

Sister: Not Known

Husband/Wife/SpouseRuchi Budhiraja
Children2 sons- Vidur and Uzma 
Net Worth$ 12 million
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Ankur Warikoo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Caste, Wife 4

Some lesser-known facts about Ankur Warikoo

  • His wife is an Entrepreneur.
  • He is the father of two sons.
  • Ankur  Wariko has also collaborated with many educational institutes for the seminar
  • He has more than 1 million followers on Instagram
  • Ankur’s youtube is filled with investment.
  • He usually comes live on Friday on Instagram and interacts with his follower.
  • He is also a podcast speaker and a good public speaker.
  • Ankur Wariko goes live with his followers on Friday every week as he loves Connecting with people, Storytelling,  Cracking jokes, and making awareness.

Social media Accounts: 



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Categories: Trending
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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