
Ariana Godoy: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career 2023

Ariana Godoy: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Ariana Godoy: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career. Please like and share if You are interested!

Ariana Godoy: Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career, Net worth, education, siblings, parents, personal information, ethnicity, books, My window, Twitter, Instagram: The popular Writer, Author, has won over the hearts of readers. She even writes for Wattpad and her content is loved by the Wattpad audience. Not just this, but she also runs a Youtube channel where she gives reviews about books for the people. She is currently 31 years old and has been growing as a writer day by day. We have gathered details about this beautiful personality, to know more information read the whole article below.

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Ariana Godoy Education

She always was interested in writing. Even in her school days, she used to write and pursue it as a hobby. Although there has been no information provided about her school or the name of her college. But, she cleared and earned her Graduation degree from a reputed University.

Ariana Godoy: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career 1

Ariana Godoy Video Biography

Ariana Godoy Career

Kids are imaginative, and so was Ariana while used to be a kid. In her early school days, she used to do a diary entry where she always used to write about her day, things she likes, and experiences. But soon she started getting bored with the same pattern and tried adding monsters, zombies, imaginary scenarios, and characters. That’s how her first story was created, and once she made it there was no turning back. She kept on creating different stories and characters from a young age, which today has made her one of the best writers. But no journey is so easy as it sounds. She owns her website on which she has posted all her creations, by clicking here you can check out her website and see all of her stories and books.

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In her college days, she started posting content on Wattpad, which turned out to be one of the best decisions of her life. Today, she has over 745,000 readers on Wattpad and she has posted more than 20 stories that are admired by the audience and her fans. She has written and published multiple e-books. She published her first e-book on Wattpad in the year 2014, it was named Mi Amor de Wattpad, which if translated means, “My Wattpad Love”. 

Not just this but below you can find a whole bunch of books she has written and the ones that gave her the most recognition. 


Ariana Godoy: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career 2

Her Books

  1. My Wattpad love in the year 2014@media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-wikibiography_in-large-mobile-banner-1-0-asloaded{max-width:336px!important;max-height:280px!important}}
  2. Imagines: not only in your Dreams in the year 2017
  3. Through my Window 
  4. Heist in the year 2021
  5. Suyo
  6. A través de la Lluvia
  7. Black & Blue
  8. Insania
  9. Frey
  10. Almas Perdidas
  11. Killer
  12. El Nuevo Mundo
  13. La Revelacion
  14. Sigue Mi Voz
  15. Mi desesperada decisión 
  16. A Través De Mi Ventana
  17. Inside my head
  18. Chained
  19. Growing up
  20. Sweet madness
  21. I said I love you
  22. The stripper

One of the books named A Través De Mi Ventana is now being released as a Netflix original movie which will be directed by Marçal Forès. The translation of this movie title is Through my Window. Although this film will primarily be released in the Spanish Language on 4th February 2022. This will be her first story being transformed into a full movie. The cast of the movie includes Clara Galle, Hugo Arbues, Eric Masip, and Julio Pena. The trailer of the movie has been released and at the bottom of this page, you can find the link to the trailer. 

Her Family

The talented Ariana Godoy was born on 5th October 1990 in Zulia, Venezuela as a daughter to her parents. The name of her parents has not been disclosed. She is from a beautiful healthy family. When she was born, she was named Ariana De Los Angeles Godoy Carrasco, but her parents made it short, and now the whole world knows her as Ariana Godoy. She also has siblings whose details are kept confidential. If we find any further information, we will add it up here for you.

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Ariana Godoy: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career 3

Ariana Net Worth

Ariana is a very popular Author, Writer, Social media Influencer, Blogger, Youtuber, Entrepreneur, Content Creator and has been very active on Wattpad when it comes to publishing stories. Through all this work she does, her net worth calculated is somewhere between 3-4 Million Dollars. This is her hard-earned money.  She is still growing every day and will probably earn a lot more in the future.

Her Boyfriend/ husband/ Previous Affairs/ Kids

Ariana is currently married to her husband named Manu. They both share an adorable bond, which she often expresses over social media. She posted a picture of her with her husband Manu on their 4th anniversary. She added a caption saying, “4 years of marriage! And 6 together! Happy Anniversary my love! It seems like yesterday that you came into my life, you are my support, my calm, and the most relaxed and fun person I know. Nobody makes me laugh more than you and nobody put up with my craziness like you. I love being able to sit down and tell you all the crazy things that come to mind for my stories and that you get excited and involved as much as I do with my ideas. I think we are yin yang: me with my stress and instability and you with calm and tranquility, we fit perfectly. Love you! Post data: Excuse my face six years ago paaarfaaavaaar and my braces lol. Post data of the post data: He is the one who knows EVERYTHING that will happen with all my stories”


Ariana Godoy: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career 4

They both do not have any kids as of 2022, but if there is any such news we will add it up here, till then, Stay Tuned!

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Ariana Godoy Personal Life

Although Ariana is very confidential about disclosing her details she has posted some pictures with her friends and her husband. Moreover, she loves to read and get her pictures clicked. She also runs a youtube channel as her hobby.


Here is the full Bio/Wiki of Ariana Godoy, her/his family/ mother/ father/ brother name, age, height in feet, weight, body measurements, interests/hobbies, boyfriends, girlfriends, husband, wife, spouse, property, address, email, house, hometown, ethnicity, hometown, birthplace, parents, achievements, phone number, school, his/her Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, earning /income/net worth, birthday, zodiac sign, education, caste, religion, Date Of Birth, Pics, Instagram, Interesting facts, real name, education, Movies, TV- Shows, Relationships, husband, Through my window, Netflix series, books, novels, Wattpad, movie, series, stories, Personal Life, net worth, Instagram, promotions, e-books.

Ariana Godoy Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

Real nameAriana Godoy
NicknameAriana Godoy
ProfessionAuthor, Writer, Social media Influencer, Blogger, Youtuber, Entrepreneur, Content Creator
Height (approx.)in centimeters– 167 cm

in meters– 1.67 cm

in feet inches– 5’6″

Weight (approx.)in kilograms– 55 Kg

in pounds– 121 lbs

Figure Measurements (approx.)Not Known
Eye ColourDark Brown
Hair ColourDark Brown
Date of Birth5th October, 1990
Age (as in 2021)31 years old
Birth PlaceZulia, Venezuela
Zodiac sign/Sun signLibra
HometownClayton, North Carolina, United States of America
SchoolNot Known
College/UniversityReputed University, but  the name is not known.
Educational QualificationGraduate
CasteNot known
AddressNot Known
Hobbies/InterestsNot Known
Marital StatusMarried
ParentsFather: Not Known

Mother: Not Known

SiblingsWill update
Net Worth3-4 million dollars

Ariana Godoy: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Wattpad, Stories, Boyfriend, Family, Career 5

Some lesser-known facts about Ariana Godoy

Social media Accounts: 


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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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