
Australian TikToker deletes account after backlash from criticizing American flag 2023

Australian TikToker deletes account after backlash from criticizing American flag 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Australian TikToker deletes account after backlash from criticizing American flag. Please like and share if You are interested!

An Australian TikToker deleted her social media account after receiving backlash for her confusion over the amount of American flags she saw while visiting the USA.

After Australian TikToker Mia Chloe traveled throughout the United States, she shared a video of herself seemingly confused about the abundance of American Flags in her surrounding area.

Chloe’s comments on the red, white, and blue representation weren’t received well by viewers, causing her to be garnished with criticism from nearly everyone who saw her now-viral video.

Since sharing her opinions, Chloe has deleted her TikTok account due to the number of commenters taking issue with her remarks about the USA’s flag.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott tells Australian TikToker to “Go back to Australia”

Chloe began her TikTok video by commenting on the plethora of American flags she saw while walking around a suburban neighborhood, saying, “I’m just gonna say it… there are too many American flags.”

Chloe continued, “They’re on houses, they’re on cars… I saw them on couch cushions.” She then mentioned that America was the “only” country that does such a thing, as she said that she wouldn’t even be able to point out the Australian flag. 

After Chloe shared her video to TikTok, Texas Governor Greg Abbott took to Twitter to share his feelings about the clip, telling the TikToker to “Go back to Australia.”

Before deactivating her TikTok account, Chloe also called for Americans to “stay humble,” as she felt that enough was enough with the representation of American sovereignty.

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In addition to Governor Abbott, those who saw Chloe’s viral video took to social media to comment on their feelings, saying, “We’re not Australia, babe. We’re the United States of America. Don’t like seeing our flag flying, go back home. We won’t miss you.”

Another commented about the issue, saying, “I’m proud of this flag and what it stands for.” While someone else joked about going out to buy a few more flags for their collection.

However, the American flag wasn’t the first time she expressed her apparent disapproval for America. Chloe had also previously uploaded another TikTok video saying American supermarkets, such as Walmart, are a ‘trap.’

Chloe isn’t the only TikToker to have deleted her account after receiving a huge amount of backlash. In February, a fitness influencer deleted her TikTok profile after being called out for filming and mocking an old man at her gym.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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