
Below Deck fans are finding “red flags” from the Blind Side family’s episode 2023

Below Deck fans are finding “red flags” from the Blind Side family’s episode 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Below Deck fans are finding “red flags” from the Blind Side family’s episode. Please like and share if You are interested!

The Blind Side controversy involving football star Michael Oher and the Tuohy family has reached a new level after Below Deck fans dug up an older episode.

A day after Michael Oher filed legal action against the Tuohys for allegedly tricking him into signing a Conservatorship, a TikToker has made some startling observations based on a previous Below Deck episode.

The story of Michael Oher along with Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy was told in the 2009 film ‘The Blind Side’ starring Sandra Bullock, and in 2017, the family were guests on Below Deck.

During the episode, Captain Lee asked a question about The Blind Side and TikToker ‘itsabigailadams’ says this was a huge “red flag.”

Below Deck fans find “red flags” in Blind Side family episode

When Sean Tuohy was asked about the movie, he explained that he and the writer of the film went to school together for years.

“I get a call from Stephen Speilberg, Harvey Weinstein, I had to give them the rights to use our name. So I say, ‘I’ll get back to you today if I get to read the script.’ Sure enough, seven months later, we get a letter in the mail and it’s the script,” he said.

However, this has the TikToker a bit suspicious about this whole fiasco and the comments.

“It’s also not lost on me that the Tuohys are out here, yachting while their son is allegedly fighting for his rights back because they allegedly put him in a conservatorship rather than just adopting him. And their allegedly making money off of his story, while he’s making none,” Adams added.

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This is just the latest controversy in the ongoing drama between Michael Oher and the Tuohy family. Fans have also begun to debate whether Sandra Bullock should keep her Oscar for her role in the film.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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