
Below Deck fans slam Couch Talk with Captain Lee & Kate: “This is a horrible show” 2023

Below Deck fans slam Couch Talk with Captain Lee & Kate: “This is a horrible show” 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Below Deck fans slam Couch Talk with Captain Lee & Kate: “This is a horrible show”. Please like and share if You are interested!

Couch Talk with Captain Lee & Kate has already gotten harsh reviews from Below Deck fans, and it’s only one episode in.

One series that people weren’t expecting was Couch Talk with Captain Lee & Kate. 

The two Below Deck alums reunited to recap some of the most popular reality TV shows out there. From Below Deck Down Under Season 2 to Project Runway 20, they are going to react to it all.

Episode 1 of the series just aired on August 14. And even though viewers are a fan of the former crew members, they absolutely hate this TV show.

Do Below Deck fans like Couch Talk with Captain Lee & Kate?

On August 15, a discussion thread was made on Reddit to discuss the first episode – and it seemed like everyone wasn’t into it.

One viewer wrote, “Not gunna lie, I clicked off like maybe 5 minutes into it. I was watching with my mom and she started falling asleep so I woke her up, asked if she wanted to watch something else, and she put Good Omens on instead.”

Another viewer chimed in and wrote, “Lee is awful. This is a horrible show. Andy! STOP IT!”

Some people did eventually come to the defense of Lee & Kate and gave their opinions on how they could improve this concept.

One fan suggested, “I think they need to do a bit more of having people pop in on Zoom – bring in past people for commentary on shows.”

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Another fan wrote, “The whole time I thought that the show would be much better as a podcast. I think they would be great that way with more room for their personalities.”

Maybe Bravo will take the hint and try to make the series more exciting. If not, it looks like it’s on the road to a quick cancellation.

To stay updated on all things Below Deck and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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