
Below Deck’s Captain Lee calls out “despicable” behavior of Luke and Laura 2023

Below Deck’s Captain Lee calls out “despicable” behavior of Luke and Laura 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Below Deck’s Captain Lee calls out “despicable” behavior of Luke and Laura. Please like and share if You are interested!

Below Deck’s Captain Lee Rosbach was “mortified” by Luke and Laura’s actions during an episode of Down Under.

Two sexual misconduct incidents occurred during Season 2, Episode 7 of Below Deck Down Under. The indecent situations resulted in the firings of both Stewardess Laura Bileskane and Bosun Luke Jones.

Laura has since responded to the backlash surrounding her termination, saying she was “mentally prepared” for any negative messages. Additionally, Luke’s girlfriend dismissed his behavior as “just acting.”

Now, Captain Lee has commented on the controversy by calling out the crew members for their “despicable” actions.

Below Deck’s Captain Lee mortified by recent scandal


Lee spoke about the scandal in an interview with Us Weekly. “Their behavior was despicable,” the Below Deck star said. “Both of them. And I’m sure they’ll be paying the price for it for a long time to come. As they should.”

In the Below Deck Down Under episode that aired on August 7, Luke climbed into bed naked with Stewardess Margot Sisson without consent while she was unconscious. The next morning, Captain Jason Chambers sent Luke packing.

Laura has also since been fired for making unwanted sexual advances toward Deckhand Adam Lukasiewicz. Her termination occurred after Adam confirmed to Chambers that he was uncomfortable around her.

Lee praised Chambers for how he and Chief Stewardess Aesha Scott “calmly” handled the situation.

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“I don’t know if I would have had the wherewithal to remain as calm as Captain Jason did, but he certainly stepped up to the plate and did it right,” Lee remarked. “It’s a tough spot to be in. When there’s the captain you’re responsible for everything and anything that does happen. Jason handled it superbly.”

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Margot has since written heartfelt sentiments directed towards Aesha and Chambers’ actions in response to the sexual harassment.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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