
Bobby Conte Thornton- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Bobby Conte Thornton- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Bobby Conte Thornton- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Bobby Conte Thornton is an actor from the United States. He is most recognized for his roles in films such as ‘If Beale Street Could Talk,’ ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,’ and ‘A Bronx Tale.

Quick Facts

Real NameBobby Conte Thornton
Nick NameBobby
Date Of Birth1995
Age28 years old
BirthplaceCalifornia, United States of America
Height6 feet 2 inches
Hair ColorDark Brown
Eye colorBrown
Net Worth$100k

Bobby Conte Thornton’s Age & Early Life

Bobby Conte Thornton was born in California, United States of America, in 1995. He will be 28 years in 2023. He has not divulged his actual birth date or location. Lisa Conte is his mother’s name. However, no information is available regarding his father. Similarly, he has not disclosed any information about his siblings or other family members. He used to watch a lot of movies and TV programs as a youngster.

He had an early interest in the entertainment industry. ‘Saving Private Ryan’ was his favorite movie as a teenager. His ancestors are Scottish and English. When it comes to his educational history, he attended the University of Michigan. He received his BFA in 2015 from the institution.

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Bobby Conte Thornton Height & Weight

Bobby Conte Thornton has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is tall, at 6 feet 2 inches tall. He has not disclosed his weight. However, there is no information regarding his shoe size or anything else.

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Bobby Conte Thornton- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 1Bobby Conte Thornton- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2

Bobby Conte Thornton’s Net Worth

How much is Bobby Conte Thornton’s net worth? Thornton’s net worth is estimated to be approximately $100,000 as of July 2023. His net worth is projected to rise since he is now regarded as one of the top young Broadway performers.

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His performance in ‘A Bronx Tale’ was praised by both spectators and reviewers. He has a promising future as an actor and singer. There is no information available regarding his pay. The average annual compensation for a Broadway performer is $61,000.


While attending the University of Michigan, Bobby Conte Thornton performed in Les Miserables at the Muny and Grease at the Paper Mill Playhouse. Richard Maltby Jr.’s My Fair Lady is one of his most notable New York Theater credits. He has also appeared in regional productions. He appeared in the all-male Two River Theater production A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. In addition, he appeared in Ken Ludwig’s world premiere of A Comedy of Tenors.

His Broadway debut as Calogero in ‘A Bronx Tale’ in 2017 catapulted him to fame. In the highly acclaimed musical, he played the main role. His performance was fantastic, and he gained a lot of popularity as a result. He has been performing as P.J. in the Broadway production of ‘Company’ since 2020. He made an appearance on television in Unbreakable. Madam Secretary and Kimmy Schmidt. ‘The Code,’ a CBS military legal drama, is his future project.

Bobby Conte Thornton’s Girlfriend & Dating

Who is Bobby Conte Thornton dating? Bobby Conte Thornton is not married. As of 2020, he is not connected with anybody. He is entirely focused on his acting profession. His Instagram comment sections are flooded with females who adore him, but he has yet to disclose his girlfriend, assuming he has one. In terms of his personal life, he has been quite discreet. There is also no information about his prior partnerships.

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Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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