
Brandon Herrera- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

Brandon Herrera- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Brandon Herrera- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Brandon Herrera, alias TheAKGuy1974, is a YouTuber, entrepreneur, and social media sensation from the United States. He is well-known for posting firearm footage on his YouTube account. He has over two million users on the video-sharing platform so far.

Quick Facts

Real NameBrandon Herrera
ProfessionYouTuber, entrepreneur & social media star
Age27 [as of 2023]
Date of Birth27 April 1996
BirthplaceNorth Carolina, USA
HometownNorth Carolina, USA
Zodiac SignTaurus
CollegeNot Known
Famous ForYouTube videos

Brandon Herrera’s Biography

Brandon Herrera was born on April 27, 1996, in North Carolina, USA to American parents. Brandon is his nickname, and he was born under the sign of Taurus. He completed his high school education at a private institution in North Carolina. However, no information on his post-secondary education is accessible.

His nationality is American. However, he hasn’t revealed anything about his parents or siblings to the public yet. His marriage and relationship statuses are unknown. There are a few websites that say he is married, however, it is currently unknown.

Brandon Herrera Age, Height, Weight

Brandon Herrera is 27 in 2023. His height is 6 feet 1 inch, and he weighs roughly 78 kg. Brandon has brown eyes and light brown hair. His shoe size is 11 in the United States.

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Brandon Herrera- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 1Brandon Herrera- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2


Brandon Herrera launched his YouTube career on September 19, 2014, when he launched his channel. He did, however, make his debut in April 2015. He adores guns, particularly the AK-47, and runs a firearm manufacturing company. He wants to post rifle reviews and other films about firearms on his channel. On the one hand, he was running his business, and on the other, he began adding films to the channel.

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His channel’s views did not increase in the first few years. After nearly four years of filming videos, his channel had 50k subscribers. It’s because a video named “AR Guys VS AK Guys” became viral, garnering over a million views in less than a month. Following the success of that video, he created a series for it and released a few parts. Each episode of the series rapidly surpassed one million views. By the end of the year, he had about 300,000 members on his channel.

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In addition, he launched The Worst Internet Gun Fails, which is by far his most popular series on the channel. To date, he has completed seven parts of the series, each of which has had over 2.5 million views. He currently has over 2.39 million subscribers and 398 million total video views.

Brandon Herrera – B Side, on the other side, is his second YouTube channel. He debuted in December 2019 and began uploading videos in January 2020. He started this channel to make various types of videos. So far, he has published 25 videos and garnered 278k subscribers, with a total of 5.6 million video views.

Brandon Herrera’s Net Worth

Brandon Herrera has a net worth of one million dollars as of July 2023. His main sources of revenue are enterprises and YouTube. Despite his fame as a YouTuber, he makes the majority of his money through his enterprises. In his firearm manufacturing firm, he makes a lot of money.

He does receive millions of views on YouTube each month. However, his CPM is lower when compared to a typical YouTube channel. It’s because his videos contain guns. According to our estimations, he receives roughly $15,000 each month in ad revenue.

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Because of the foregoing, he is mostly seen dealing with sponsors. He has partnered with various brands, including EuroOptic, Acre Gold, and USCCA, and many of his films involve sponsored ads. Merchandise is one of his secondary earning sources. Bunker Branding is a website where he sells his official products. On the website, you may purchase t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and stickers. All of his things are reasonably priced, and he generates a reasonable quantity of sales.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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