
Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 2023

Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife. Please like and share if You are interested!

Brian Flores: Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Championship, Super Bowl, NFL, Contract, Salary, Coach, Husband, Boyfriend, Height, Parents, Birthday, Net Worth, Nationality, Ethnicity, Zodiac Sign, Net Worth, Children, Daughter, Son, Family, Married, Instagram, Twitter, and Details: Brian Flores is a famous well-known American football coach for the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League from 2019-2021. Flores was the 13th football coach for Miami Dolphins and 4th Latino head coach. He started his coaching career at age of 23. He was a scouting coach with NFL, The New England Patriots team. Flores also served as an assistant coach for 10 years (2008-2018). With the help of Brian Flores’s defensive play-caller coaching, the team won the Super Bowl title in Super Bowl LIII.  

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Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 1Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 2

Brian Flores Early Life

Brian Flores’s full name is Brian Francisco Flores was born in the year 1981 on February 24. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in the heart of Brownsville, New York. He is the descant of Mexican immigrant father from Durango, Raul Flores, and mother Maria Flores roots from the Jalisco, that’s the mixed ethnicity of Hispanic. Brian has four brothers. Flores graduated high school from Poly Prep Country Day School in Brooklyn. Brian played las linebacker from 1999-2002 in his college football at Boston College.

Flores Wife & Children

Brian Flores is married with four children. Brian Flores married his now-wife Jennifer Maria Duncan Flores in 2009. The couple has two sons and two daughters from their marriage. The children’s names are listed on the web on his personal details.


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Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 3Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 4

Brian Flores Football Coaching Career

New England Patriots

Brian’s first career as a football coach was in 2004 at the age of 23. He joined The Patriots as a Scouting assistant and n same year  the Patriots won their Super Bowl XXXIX for the third time. In 2006, he became a pro scout coach and promoted to Bill Belichick’s coaching staff in 2008-2009. He was a defensive assistant coach in 2011, by the media in Super Bowl XLVI. Unfortunately, the Patriots lost the game against the New York Giants with score 21-17. He was tilted as safeties’ coach in 2012, defeating Seattle Seahawks in the fourth win of Super Bowl XLIX. In 2016 Flores as linebackers coach by winning Super Bowl LI against Atlanta Falcons. After a day of losing a Super Bowl LII game against the Philadelphia Eagles, the assistant coach of the Patriots Matt Patricia left the team. Automatically Flores took the role of defensive coach but never officially titled him. In the upcoming matches of Super Bowl LIII and Super Bowl XXXVI, the Patriots lost the games with a scoring of lowest Super Bowl score in NFL history.

After long lost games of the Super Bowl finally, on February 4, 2019, the Patriots won their 6th Super Bowl Championship title. On the next day, Brian was scouted as the 12th head coach for the Miami Dolphins. He was the 4th Latino head coach after Ron Rivera, Tom Fears, and Tom Flores. Flores was scouted as head coach for Green Bay Packers, Denver Broncos, and Cleveland Browns but he opted for the Miami Dolphins.


Miami Dolphins (2019 season)

With the debut of Flores as head coach for the Miami Dolphins, he lost his first game on September 8, 2019. Again in wee two, he lost Super Bowl against his former team the Patriots. In the following weeks, the Dolphins team lost a game with Dallas Cowboy and Los Angles Charger. But on November 3, 2019, he got his first win as head coach against the New York Jets with a score of 26-18. The New York Jets was led by the former head coach of Dolphins, Adam Gase who was fired in December 2018 and was first comeback game as head coach. In his first season with the Miami Dolphins, he managed to win over his former team the Patriots. Brian with a leading score of 5-11, finishing 5-4, 0-7 at the beginning season, and 4th place in the AFC East.

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(2020 season)

In the season of 2020, the Miami Dolphins lost game New England Patriots and Buffalo Bills with scores of 21–11 and 31–28 respectively. The third game led to a win with a score of 31-13 against the Jacksonville Jaguars. With a winning strike the Dolphins won over NFC Champion San Francisco 49ers, New York Jets, Los Angeles Rams, Arizona Cardinals, Cincinnati Bengals, and New England Patriots. On January 13, 2021, they lost the game to the Buffalo bills, which made the team eliminate playoff contention for 4th consecutive season.


(2021 season)

In the season of 2021, the Dolphins won against the Patriots. Following weeks the team lost to Las Vegas Raiders, Tampa Bay Buccaneers but scored a win over Houston Texans, Baltimore Ravens, Carolina Panthers, and New York Jets with a score of 17–9, 22-10, 17–9,20-9 respectively. On January 9, 2022, he finished his last season by winning over the Patriots. But, with the consecutive loss of 7 straight games in the season, the Miami Dolphins fired Flores on January 10, 2022.

Brian Flores Net Worth

Flore’s have an estimated $8 million of net worth. Most of his earnings were made as a professional football coach and the highest paying he got from The Miami Dolphins. His annual salary was revealed but it was said he was one of the scout’s coaches in the field of his coaching career.


Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 5Brian Flores: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 6

Here is the full Bio/Wiki of Brian Flores his family,  mother, father, brother, name, age, height in feet, weight, body measurements, interests/hobbies, coach, career, NFL, football, Super Bowl, wife, spouse, cars, address, email, house, hometown, ethnicity, biracial, hometown, birthplace, parents, achievements, phone number, school, his Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, earning /income/net worth, birthday, zodiac sign, education, caste, religion, Date Of Birth.

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Brian Flores Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

Real NameBrian Francisco Flores
ProfessionAmerican football head coach
Height (approx.)in centimeters– 188 cm

in meters – 1.88m

in feet inches – 6’2″

Weight (approx.)in kilograms– 90

in pounds– 198.416

Figure Measurements (approx.)Not Known
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack
Date of Birth24th February 1981
Age (as in 2021)40 Years
Birth PlaceBrooklyn, New York
Zodiac sign/Sun signAquarius
HometownNot Known
SchoolPoly Prep Country Day School
College/UniversityBoston College
Educational QualificationGraduate
ReligionNot Known
CasteNot Known
AddressNot Known
Hobbies/InterestsNot Known
Marital StatusMarried
ParentsFather: Raul Flores

Mother: Maria Flores

Siblingsbrothers: Raul Flores Jr.

Louis Flores

Christopher Flores

Danny Flores

Husband/Wife/SpouseJennifer Maria Duncan Flores
Net Worth$8 million

Social Media Accounts:


Some Lesser Known Facts About Brian Flores

  • Brian grew up a biggest fan of American football teams of The New York Giants and The New York Jets.@media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-wikibiography_in-large-leaderboard-2-0-asloaded{max-width:300px!important;max-height:250px!important}}
  • Flores father and mother are Honduran parents.
  • During his college days an injury in the field left him not to play for NFL professionally.
  • Flores was a near victim of police violence after the famous shooting of Jacob Blake.
  • Flores was hired as fourth Latino head coach for the Miami Dolphins.
  • He started his coaching career at age of 24.

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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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