
Cập nhật Lịch cúp điện hôm nay tại An Giang ngày 27/04/2023 2023

Cập nhật Lịch cúp điện hôm nay tại An Giang ngày 27/04/2023 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Cập nhật Lịch cúp điện hôm nay tại An Giang ngày 27/04/2023. Please like and share if You are interested!

Update the latest information on electricity schedules of areas in An Giang on April 27, 2023 from the Southern Electricity portal.

Cập nhật Lịch cúp điện hôm nay tại An Giang ngày 27/04/2023 1Cập nhật Lịch cúp điện hôm nay tại An Giang ngày 27/04/2023 2

Electricity schedule today in An Giang on April 27, 2023

Updating information on the electricity schedule, power cuts in areas in An Giang on April 27, 2023 is from the Southern Electricity portal.

Electricity schedule in Long Xuyen city


April 27, 2023

from 08h00 – 10h00

Residential area on Le Chan Street in My Quy Ward, City. Long XuyenLong Xuyen Electric PowerCarry out testing, repair and maintenance of medium and low pressure

April 27, 2023

from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m

A part of My Thoi ward (Thanh An residential area) in the city. Long XuyenLong Xuyen Electric PowerCarry out testing, repair and maintenance of medium and low pressure

April 27, 2023

from 09:30 – 11:30

A part of My Phuoc ward (Vam Tam Bot Under area) belongs to the city. Long XuyenLong Xuyen Electric PowerCarry out testing, repair and maintenance of medium and low pressure

April 27, 2023

from 13h00 – 14h30

A part of My Phuoc ward (the area of ​​Pham Ngu Lao street extension, alley 20) belongs to the city. Long XuyenLong Xuyen Electric PowerCarry out testing, repair and maintenance of medium and low pressure

April 27, 2023

from 13h30 to 16h30

A part of My Phuoc ward (the area of ​​Thoai Ngoc Hau street extending from Cai Son Trong bridge to Tam Bot Trong bridge), belongs to the city. Long XuyenLong Xuyen Electric PowerCarry out testing, repair and maintenance of medium and low pressure

April 27, 2023

from 14h30 to 16h30

A part of My Phuoc ward (a part of Nga Cai area), belonging to the city. Long XuyenLong Xuyen Electric PowerCarry out testing, repair and maintenance of medium and low pressure
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Chau Thanh district electricity calendar


April 27, 2023

from 07h30 to 16h30

Part of Vinh Nhuan commune (Rach Chung Ray, Lang San and Kenh Moi areas) – Chau Thanh district.Chau Thanh Electric PowerCarry out testing, repair and maintenance of medium and low pressure

Cho Moi district map calendar


April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Power outage in Kien An commune, Cho Moi district, An Giang province.New Market ElectricityCarry out testing, repair and maintenance of medium and low pressure

Electricity schedule of Tan Chau commune


April 27, 2023

from 07h00 – 17h00

Phu Long Commune, Phu Tan DistrictTan Chau Electric PowerTan Chau Electricity cuts power to serve the construction of national key projects.

April 27, 2023

from 07h30 – 17h00

Tan Thanh, Vinh Hoa and Vinh Xuong communes, Tan Chau townTan Chau Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Phu Vinh commune, Tan Chau townTan Chau Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

Electricity calendar of Chau Phu district


April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Channel 12 Channel 10 Chau Phu pier 392A/74 line 475CD in Binh Phu commune, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Vinh Tre Substation – 2 posts 193/1 route 475CD in Vinh Thanh Trung town, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Western Strategic Hamlet K12 pole 392A/5 route 475CD in Thanh My Tay commune, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Rach Cay Gao Substation, TK8, pole 285A/65/19, line 475CD, Thanh My Tay commune, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Ba Xua canal center pole 392A/68/1 line 475CD in Thanh My Tay commune, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Substation K11 South Bay Bamboo pole 359/7 route 475CD in Thanh My Tay commune, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

M500 (K8-9 North K10CP) pole 392A/121 line 475CD in Binh Phu commune, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

The center of the canal, Hao De Nam Bamboo Bay, pole 271, route 475CD, belongs to Vinh Thanh Trung town, Chau Phu, An Giang.Chau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Substation K14 Bay Bamboo pole 414 route 475CD in Dao Huu Canh commune, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Ngo Van Hoa Substation is located at 195/2, route 475CD in Vinh Thanh Trung town, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 08h00 to 17h00

Channel 11 K10 CP pole 392A/90 line 475CD in Binh Phu commune, Chau Phu, An GiangChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m

Substation An Giang LTTP is located in Vinh Thanh Trung town, Chau Phu district, An Giang provinceChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 09h00 – 14h00

Substation Hiep Thoi Milling Facility, Khanh Hoa Commune, Chau Phu District, An Giang ProvinceChau Phu Electric Power Testing, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance
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Tinh Bien district schedule


April 27, 2023

from 07h00 – 17h00

Power failure at Booster Station No. 1 – 1210A2170 – 481TB/204/1 – 3×15 kVATinh Bien ElectricityTesting, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 07h00 – 17h00

Power failure at the substation self-using substation – 1210TD01 – Pillar 479TB/137/04/01A – 3×15 kVATinh Bien ElectricityTesting, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 07h00 – 17h00

Power outage at Tinh Bien Hospital – 1210D0457 – 473TB/213/2/3 – 1×75 kVATinh Bien ElectricityTesting, repairing and performing medium and low voltage maintenance

April 27, 2023

from 07h00 – 16h30

Power outage in An Hao commune, Tan Loi, Nui Voi ward, cluster 3, Chi Lang ward, Tinh Bien town.Tinh Bien ElectricityMake a power cut at the request of a competent state agency in accordance with the law

April 27, 2023

from 07h00 – 17h00

TB.Level 2(3/2) – 1210D1240 – Pillar 475TB/250/02/01 – 1×400 kVATinh Bien ElectricityTesting, repairing and performing medium and low pressure maintenance

Above is detailed information about power cuts in some areas of An Giang province. We will update the electricity schedule continuously and accurately at for readers to grasp promptly.

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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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