
Carla Facciolo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023

Carla Facciolo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Carla Facciolo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Carla Facciolo is a reality television personality and actress best known for her role on Mob Wives. She is well-known for being the daughter of gangster Louis.

Quick Facts

Real NameCarla Facciolo
Nick NameCarla
Date Of BirthJanuary 14, 1967
Age56 years old
BirthplaceBrooklyn, New York
ProfessionReality TV Star
Height5 feet 9 inches
Weight60 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye colorDark brown
Net Worth$1.5 million

Carla Facciolo’s Age & Early Life

Carla Facciolo was born in Brooklyn, New York, on January 14, 1967. Her father’s name is Louis Facciolo, and he was a member of the Gambino Crime Family. Her mother’s identity remains unknown. She has two younger sisters. Carla’s father was incarcerated when she was a teenager. Her uncle was assassinated while working for the Lucchese Crime Family. She is an African-American woman. There is no information regarding her educational credentials since she prefers to keep her personal life private.

Carla Facciolo Height & Weight

Carla Facciolo stands 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs a healthy amount. She most likely has black hair and dark brown eyes. Her waist measurement is 27 inches, and her hip measurement is 36 inches.

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Carla Facciolo’s Net Worth

How much is Carla Facciolo’s net worth? This reality star earns an average of $60,000. Meanwhile, Carla’s net worth is reported to be $1.5 million by some sources as of July 2023.

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Carla Facciolo participated in the VH1 reality program ‘Mob Wives in seasons 1-3. She appeared as a guest in season 5 of the program before returning as a full-cast member in season 6. During her tenure on the program, Carla had several conflicts and clashes with her co-stars Renee Graziano and Love Majewski. Previously, she worked on Wall Street, where she met Joseph Ferragamo.

Because of her sexual beauty, Facciolo is regarded as the ‘Sex Kitten’ of the gang on Mob Wives. She has created her own brand of daily and sporty women’s apparel. She enjoys preparing nutritious food for her family and hopes to produce a cookbook soon. This reality TV celebrity owns a skincare and natural soap company. She worked as a sales representative for a juice business while staying at home with her children. She also appears in the Marriage Boot Camp season 6 premiere.

Carla Facciolo Husband & Marriage

Who is Carla Facciolo’s husband? Carla Facciolo is probably single right now. She previously married stockbroker Joseph Ferragamo (Joe) in 2000. Joseph (boy) and Carmen (daughter) are the couple’s twin children. Joe, her ex-husband, was sentenced to 88 months in prison for improper business transactions. This couple divorced when he was released from jail.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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