
Cass Bird Ex-Wife: Who Is Ali Bird? Her Age, Job, Net Worth

Cass Bird Ex-Wife: Who Is Ali Bird? Her Age, Job, Net Worth - networth, wiki, biography
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The star of The Real Housewives of New York City Jenna Lyons did not like to talk about her partner Ali Bird. But the latter has been open about his “ex-wife” Cass Bird – who she never married.

Learn more about Cass below.

Meet Ali Bird, ex-wife of Cass Bird

Ali Bird first met Cass Bird at Smith College in 1997, through a shared interest in photography. “Actually, we weren’t in the photo together, but we were always in the darkroom at the same time,” she recalled before Cass cut her off, “I was trying to make out with you in the darkroom more than that.”

And it seems they kissed in a “dark room”.

But it wasn’t until 2003 that the duo actually got into a relationship after numerous false starts. What’s even more surprising is that Ali and Cass never got married, but just referred to each other as their wives. “I just don’t know what else to call her,” Cass said.

As for Ali, she explained: “We saved money. We did it. When gay marriage became legal, we already took on the biggest obligation.”

All in all, the duo shared a deep friendship and partnership in their personal and professional lives. They had a genuine affection for each other, which was evident in their playful banter and understanding of each other’s preferences and quirks. They enjoyed hanging out together, getting manicures and sharing their love of beauty products. They also appreciated each other’s unique qualities and have a strong bond that transcends their professional careers.

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Furthermore, they share a love of certain beauty products and routines, and also have some humorous differences, such as Alia’s love of the color pink and materialistic tendencies, contrasted with Cass’s penchant for simplicity and natural beauty.

Unfortunately, the lovebirds broke up after 2022. We don’t know what happened, but the last time they graced the red carpet together was in November 2021.

Cass Bird and Ali Bird Children

Ali and Cass Bird have two children – Leo and Mae. We had them with Cass. She had her first child Lea on April 3, 2008, and Mae on December 29, 2009.

According to the couple, having children made them better at work. “I became really bright and focused. I’ve never been able to get more done in a day. Your motivation changes and it really focuses you,” said Ali. It was the same for Cass. And her career immediately took off. On top of that, she had the opportunity to take maternity leave. “It was the first time that such opportunities presented themselves to me. For decades, I’ve wanted options closer to me,” she shared.

All in all, they share a genuine sense of joy and fulfillment in being mothers, even though the reality of parenthood has brought unexpected challenges. They admit to the guilt that comes with balancing work and family life, but have found ways to work around it.

The couple was also grateful for the support system they built around their children. They considered their nanny Stacy a member of their extended family, and they have close friends and colleagues who play a significant role in their children’s lives.

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Did you know: Ali and Cass Bird (new gay moms) were featured in the 2017 New Gap ad.

But Bird Status links

But Bird kept her relationship a secret after her split from Cass.

On the other hand, Cass continued to have a popular relationship with The Real Housewives of New York City star Jenna Lyons.

But Bird Age

But Bird was 47 years old in 2023.

She is two years younger than Cass.

What is Ali Bird’s maiden name?

Ali Bird’s maiden name is “Schwartz”.

Ali bird family

But Bird comes from a family of four.

Her father, Stuart Schwartz, is a noted historian specializing in colonial Latin America, particularly Brazil, and early modern expansion. His notable works include Sovereignty and Society in Colonial Brazil, Sugar Plantations in the Formation of Brazilian Society, and Victors And Vanquished: Spanish and Nahua Views of the Conquest of Mexico.

Stuart turned 82 in 2022.

Unfortunately, Ali’s parents separated a long time ago. Stuart is now married to Stuart B Schwartz (born: September 1940).

According to Ali, her biological mother was a “total vixen” in terms of appearance. She admits that mom represented someone who provides unconditional love and support — whether it’s a biological mother or other individuals such as friends, mentors, therapists or children — and wished a happy Mother’s Day to all those who have fulfilled the role of mom in someone’s life , both present and those in the spirit of 2020.

As for her sibling, she has a 4 year younger brother named Lee R Schwartz @lee_psa. He worked as a partner and executive creative director at the Palmer Schwartz agency. He was also a producer/junior designer at Syndicate Media Group and managing director at Sally Hershberger.

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But Bird Job

In 2023, Ali Bird served as SVP + Director at The Wall Group (a subsidiary of Endeavor), a fully integrated agency representing a diverse and selective group of artists including fashion stylists, hair stylists, makeup artists, manicurists, groomers, production designers and motion DPs working on at the head of the fashion world.

She joined the company as its director in 2001, negotiating editorial, advertising and commercial bookings for long-term contractual engagements in the fashion, entertainment or client support arena. Since then, it has been a key component of The Wall Group’s success and growth. Her rigorous work ethic, diverse array of experiences, and influential connections make her an unparalleled force in the fashion and beauty industry.

According to Ali, Cass initially assisted her with photography when she was starting her career, showing her caring and full support of their relationship.

As for her education, Ali attended Smith College for a BA in Sociology and Photography from 1994 to 1998.

How much is Ali Bird net worth?

By 2023, Ali Bird had acquired a net worth of under 1.5 million.

Related FAQs

  • When is Ali Bird’s birthday?

Ali receives birthday cards in April.

  • Is Ali Bird on Instagram?

Find her on Instagram @aliblackbird.

Also, here is her Facebook @alison.schwartzbird.

  • Where is Ali Bird from?

Ali hails from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

But in 2023, she lived in Brooklyn, New York.

Categories: Biography

Links: Cass Bird Ex-Wife: Who Is Ali Bird? Her Age, Job, Net Worth – Tekmonk Bio, Cass Bird Ex-Wife: Who Is Ali Bird? Her Age, Job, Net Worth – Kungfutv, Cass Bird Ex-Wife: Who Is Ali Bird? Her Age, Job, Net Worth – Blogtomoney

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