
Chanelle Hayes- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Chanelle Hayes- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Chanelle Hayes- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Chanelle Hayes is an English model, singer, and television personality. Chanelle Hayes featured in Channel 4’s ‘Big Brother’ in 2007.

Quick Facts

Real NameChanelle Hayes
Nick NameChanelle
Date Of BirthNovember 11, 1987
Age35 years old
BirthplaceNyack, New York
ProfessionTelevision personality, singer
Height5 feet 3 inches
Weight55 kg
Hair ColorLight Brown
Eye colorDark Brown
Net Worth$1 million

Chanelle Hayes’s Age & Early Life

Chanelle Hayes was born on November 11, 1987, in Styal, England. Keith Pollard killed her mother, Andrea Sinclair, on April 5, 1988. Hayes had just turned five months old at the time. Christine and Harry Hayes reared her when she was placed for adoption in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

Later, in Sheffield, she reconnected with her grandmother and sisters. She is of British and English descent. Furthermore, no precise information regarding her ethnic heritage is yet accessible. Hayes attended NEW College for her studies.

Chanelle Hayes Height & Weight

Hayes is 5 feet 3 inches (1.6 m) tall and weighs 115 pounds. She also weighs around 55 kg. Her measurements are 34-22-33 inches. In addition, her hair is light brown and her eyes are dark brown.

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Chanelle Hayes’s Net Worth

How much is Chanelle Hayes’s net worth? Chanelle Hayes’s net worth is believed to be $1 million as of July 2023. Her excellent profession as a Singer is obviously her primary source of money.

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Hayes was first featured in the television show ‘Big Brother Uncut’ in 2007. She appears on the program in 17 episodes. She has featured as a competitor in 67 episodes of ‘Big Brother’. Hayes also starred in ‘Wannabe with Chanelle’ the same year. She also starred in ‘Celebrity Ready, Steady, Cook in 2008. She has since been featured in a number of other television programs. To date, she has 15 credits as an actor.

‘Loose Women,’ ‘This Morning,’ ‘Celebrity Juice,’ ‘Losing It: Griff Rhys Jones on Anger,’ ‘Big Brother’s Little Brother,’ ‘Totally Calum Best: The Best Is Yet to Come,’ ‘How TV Changed Britain,’ ‘The Friday Night Project,’ and ‘Wannabe Popstar’ are some other films and television series in which Hayes has appeared. She has also posed for Diva Corsets on multiple occasions. Hayes has also been featured on the covers of Lads’ publications such as ‘Nuts’ and ‘Zoo’ on a frequent basis. She has signed with Eminence Records, 7th Heaven, for her musical career. She also subsequently released a remix of her new single “I Want It.”Hayes has not disclosed her current pay. Furthermore, there is currently no information accessible on her projected net worth.

Chanelle Hayes Boyfriend & Dating

Who is Chanelle Hayes dating? Chanelle Hayes was once linked to British rapper Dizzee Rascal. She later had a relationship with Nick Percival. Hayes dated British footballer Seb Hines in 2008. She also dated Tom Huddlestone, Lloyd Nwagboso, and Jermaine Pennant in 2008.

From 2009 until 2011, Hayes was in a relationship with British footballer Matthew Bates. In addition, in January 2009, she met American actor Verne Troyer. From November 2011 until May 2013, she dated British reality TV contestant Jack Tweed. She was also involved with Ryan Oates. Blakely Hayes Bates, with her ex-boyfriend Matthew Bates, and Frankie Edward Oates, with Ryan Oates, are her two sons.

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Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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