
Chris Cuomo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 2023

Chris Cuomo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Chris Cuomo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife. Please like and share if You are interested!

Chris Cuomo: Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife, Net Worth: Chris Cuomo is a popular American journalist, host, television personality, as well as social media star. He was born on the 9th of August 1970 in New York City, New York, The United States of America. Chris is well-known for hosting Cuomo Prime Time. This is an American weeknight news analysis television show on CNN.


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PRIYA KANSARA BIOGRAPHY, AGE, HEIGHT, CAREER AND NET WORTHChris Cuomo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 1Chris Cuomo

Chris is a former host of the Cuomo Prime Time show. While hosting this show, Chris came into the limelight. Moreover, Chris is also recognized for his work in breaking news, business news as well as legal news on television. Chris has gained huge fame, honor, and success in his successful journalism career.  According to the sources, Chris had been fired by CNN  on the 4th of December 2021.  After being fired,  Chris came into the spotlight on the internet. Since Chris has not much appeared in public. He is presently trending. To know everything about Chris Cuomo read this post!

Chris Cuomo’s Life and Education

He was born on the 9th of August 1970. The birthplace of Chris is New York City, New York, The United States of America. Chris belongs to the American nationality. The current age of the popular American journalist Chris is 51 years and 5 months old as of January 2022. And the zodiac sign of Chris is Leo as per his date of birth. The popular American journalist  Chris celebrates his birthday with his family on the 9th of August each year.

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Chris Cuomo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 2Chris Cuomo

Chris is a resident of America.  Regarding Chris’s physical appearance, he is 6 feet and 2 inches tall by height. The weight of Chris’s body is around 82 kg.  Chris Cuomo is good-looking, passionate, and ebullient.  His personality is decent. Chris has blue color eyes as well as brown color hair. His ethnicity is white. He believes in Christianity. And he is a Christian by religion.  Chris is a popular American journalist.

According to the sources, Chris attended The  Albany Academy for his schooling. He received his school from there. After that, Chris enrolled himself at Yale University to pursue his graduation. He received his bachelor of arts degree from Yale University.  Chris also enrolled himself at the Fordham University School of Law. From where Chris received his  Juris Doctor degree in the year 1995.

Chris Cuomo Family, Parents, and Siblings

Chris belongs to an affluent and political family.  The name of Chris’s father is Mario Cuomo. He was a popular American lawyer and politician by profession.  He used to work as the 52nd Governor of New York from 1983 to 1994. Unfortunately, Mario Cuomo passed away at the age of 82 on the 1st of January 2015. The name of Chris’s mother is Matilda Cuomo. She is a popular  American advocate for women and children by profession. Moreover, she is also a former First Lady of New York.  Regarding Chris’s siblings, he has four siblings of which one brother and three sisters. The name of Chris’s brother is  Andrew Cuomo. He is a popular American lawyer and politician by profession.

Andrew Cuomo has worked as the 56th Governor of New York from 2011 to 2021. The names of Chris’s sisters are Margaret Cuomo, Maria Cuomo, and Madeline Cuomo. Margaret Cuomo is a popular American physician and radiologist by profession. Maria Cuomo is a film producer. Madeline Cuomo is a professional lawyer by profession. Chris’s siblings are successful and married. They have also children.

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Chris Cuomo Career- Journalist

Chris initiated his career as a journalist. During his early career, Chris worked with several networks on political and social issues. Moreover, Chris also worked as a news anchor and reporter in news shows.  Chris joined CNN  in February 2013. Chris became the co-anchor of CNN’s morning show, New Day. Later on,  Chris became the host of the Cuomo Prime Show.  While hosting this show, Chris came into the limelight. Chris has gained huge fame, success, and honor in his successful journalism career. And Chris has created his identity.Chris Cuomo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 3Chris Cuomo

Chris is an experienced and successful person.  According to the sources, Chris had been fired by CNN on the 4th of December 2021. There is no information regarding Chris’s new job at the moment. Chris has not provided any information regarding his new job on the internet.

Chris Cuomo Net Worth

The main source of income for Chris Cuomo is his successful journalism career. Chris earns a good amount of income from his successful journalism career. According to the sources, the estimated net worth of the popular American journalist  Chris Cuomo is $12 million USD.

Chris Cuomo’s Wife and Children

Chris is happily married. The name of Chris’s wife is  Cristina Greeven Cuomo. Chris and Cristina married in 2001. They organized a Roman Catholic wedding ceremony in Southampton, New York.  Chris and Cristina have a beatific married life together. From their marriage, Chris and Cristina have three beautiful children; two daughters and one son. They are named  Bella, Carolina Regina, and Mario.

Chris Cuomo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 4Chris Cuomo with his wife Cristina and children Bella, Carolina Regina, and Mario

Here is the full bio of Chris Cuomo, his family, mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, school, education,  hometown, profession, nationality, body measurements, age, height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, cast, birthday, birthplace, hobbies, address,  zodiac sign, date of birth,  religion, net worth.

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Chris Cuomo Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

NameChris Cuomo
NicknameNot Known
ProfessionJournalist, Host, Television Personality, and Social Media Star
Height (approx.)in centimeters– 188 cm

in meters– 1.88 m

in feet inches-”6’2

Weight (approx.)in kilograms– 82 kg

in pounds– 181 Ibs

Figure Measurement (approx.)44-34-38
Eye ColourBlue
Hair ColourBrown
Date of Birth9 August 1970
Age (as in 2021)51  Years
Birth PlaceNew York City, New York, The United States of America
Zodiac sign/Sun signLeo
HometownNot Known
SchoolThe Albany Academy
College/UniversityYale University and The Fordham University School of Law
Educational Qualification Graduate
CasteNot Known
AddressNot Known
Hobbies/InterestsNot Known
Marital StatusMarried
Affairs/Boyfriends/GirlfriendsNot Known
SexualityNot Known
ParentsFather: Mario Cuomo

Mother: Matilda Cuomo

SiblingsBrother: Andrew Cuomo

Sister: Margaret Cuomo, Mario Cuomo Cole, and Madeline Cuomo

Husband/Wife/SpouseCristina Greeven Cuomo
ChildrenDaughter: Bella Cuomo and Carolina Regina Cuomo

Son: Mario  Cuomo

Net Worth$12 Million

Chris Cuomo: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 5Chris Cuomo

Social Media Accounts:




Some Lesser Known Facts About Chris Cuomo

  • Chris Cuomo has been featured on the official page of Wikipedia.
  • Chris prefers to read books.
  • Chris prefers to spend time with his family.
  • Chris’s favorite color is black.
  • Chris has his own self-titled website.
  • Chris leads a lavish and blissful life with his family.
  • Chris is a dog lover and has a cut pet dog at his home.
  • Chris has gathered 2.1 million followers on his Twitter account and 1.2 million followers on his Instagram account as of January 2022.

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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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