
Clifton Newman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Wife, Ethnicity, Height 2023

Clifton Newman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Wife, Ethnicity, Height 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Clifton Newman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Wife, Ethnicity, Height. Please like and share if You are interested!

Clifton Newman (born November 7, 1951) is a judge and attorney based in the United States. The seasoned lawyer is now serving as an at-large judge on the South California Circuit Court. He has, in fact, been in the same post for more than two decades. As a circuit court judge, he presided over several trials, including Alex Murdaugh’s.

Quick Facts

Real NameClifton Newman
ProfessionJudge and attorney
Age72 [as of 2023]
Date of Birth7 November 1951
BirthplaceKingstree, South Carolina, USA
HometownKingstree, South Carolina, USA
Zodiac SignScorpio
CollegeCleveland State University [BA]Cleveland-Marshall College of Law [J. D]
Famous ForBeing a circuit court judge

Clifton Newman Biography

Clifton Newman was born in Kingstree, South Carolina, to an American family. His zodiac sign is Scorpio, according to his birthday. Clifton is his nickname. He attended Cleveland State University after finishing high school and graduated with a BA degree. In addition, he received his J. D. from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in 1976.

Mr. Clifton Newman’s Age, Height, And Weight

Clifton Newman born in 1951, is 72 years old. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs approximately 75 kg. He has dark eyes and is nearly bald. His bodily proportions are unknown, however, his shoe size is 10.5 (US).

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Clifton Newman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Wife, Ethnicity, Height 1Clifton Newman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Wife, Ethnicity, Height 2Clifton Newman


As a child, Clifton Newman was fascinated with the law. He did, in fact, appear as an attorney in a high school theater. He eventually launched his career after earning his Juris Doctorate.

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In Cleveland, he established the law practice, Belcher & Newman. He worked as an attorney for the corporation for nearly six years. He then returned to his hometown and resumed private practice.

In 1983, he joined Williamsburg County as an assistant solicitor while still in private practice. After a decade, he established Newman & Sabb, another partnership legal company. After nearly 25 years, he finally decided to end his own practice in 2000. After being elected as a circuit court judge by the South Carolina General Assembly, he made this judgment. Throughout these years, he dealt with a variety of lawsuit situations.

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He has been reelected multiple times as a Circuit Court judge in South Carolina since his appointment. In fact, he was recently re-elected for a fourth term. We would, however, retire when he reaches the age of 72.

Clifton is a well-known judge with extensive expertise. In fact, he was able to handle a number of high-profile matters with ease. His appropriate and fair judgment has elevated him to the ranks of the nation’s most illustrious judges. He is most well-known for his role as the judge in Alex Murdaugh’s trial. Despite a two-month trial, Alex was eventually condemned to two consecutive life terms for two murders.

Clifton Newman Wife, Marriage

Clifton Newman is currently unmarried. For many decades, he has been happily married to Patricia Newman. He has been blessed with four children over the years. His daughter Jocelyn chose to follow in Clifton’s footsteps and is today a circuit court judge. Unfortunately, he now has only three children after his son Brian died of cardiac arrest.

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He comes from a Christian household in America. Dr. Marion L. Newman and Alice Singleton Newman are his parents. His mother was a domestic worker, while his father was a Reverend. However, we were unable to obtain any information regarding his siblings.

Clifton Newman’s Net Worth

Clifton Newman’s net worth is estimated to be $2 million as of July 2023. He makes a living as a circuit court judge by collecting an undisclosed amount of money in salary. According to our analysis, he could be earning a six-figure annual wage. Leaving this aside, Clifton may have other sources of income. He has yet to officially reveal anything about them.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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