
Codemiko- Real Name, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Boyfriend 2023

Codemiko- Real Name, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Boyfriend 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Codemiko- Real Name, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Boyfriend. Please like and share if You are interested!

Codemiko is a Twitch live streamer from the United States. Despite the fact that she is a real person, she prefers to present herself as a virtual 3D character throughout her live streaming.

Quick Facts

Real NameMiko
ProfessionTwitch streamer
Age33 [as of 2023]
Date of Birth27 February 1990
BirthplaceUnited States of America
HometownUnited States of America
Zodiac SignPisces
ReligionNot Known
CollegeNot Known
Famous ForLive streams

Codemiko Biography

Codemiko was born in the United States of America on February 27, 1990. Her astrological sign is Pisces. Her given name is Miko. She finished her education at a private school. However, there aren’t many details about her college life. She currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

She comes from an Asian family. Miko hasn’t mentioned anything about her parents or siblings. Her marital status is single. She does, however, have a boyfriend named Brandon Winfrey. She hasn’t revealed much about him or their relationship, however. Also, check out Jack Manifold Tv, another Twitch streamer.

Codemiko Age, Height, Weight

As of 2023, Codemiko is 33 years old. Her height is approximately 5 feet 3 inches, and her weight is approximately 49 kilograms. Her hair is dark, and her eyes are brown. Her physical dimensions are 32-24-30.

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Codemiko- Real Name, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Boyfriend 1Codemiko- Real Name, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Boyfriend 2


Codemiko began her internet career on Twitch in 2020. Her channel features her as a 3D figure who plays video games and talks about strange topics. However, at first, she streamed with her face cam turned on and gradually enhanced her video quality.

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She describes her streams as “quasi-interactive.” She has a technical staff that handles all technical aspects of the live stream. Previously, her streams were managed by a single individual. However, as her popularity expanded, she was able to hire additional workers. Her Twitch channel has 925k followers in a short period of time. She also has a subscription service on her Twitch profile, with prices ranging from $5 to $25.

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She created her YouTube channel on March 18, 2020. She did, however, begin uploading in October 2020. She generally uploads highlights and small snippets from her Twitch live feeds to her channel. The channel has over 100,000 subscribers and over 3.8 million cumulative views.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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