
Conor McGregor wants Logan Paul punished if he misses Dillon Danis fight 2023

Conor McGregor wants Logan Paul punished if he misses Dillon Danis fight 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Conor McGregor wants Logan Paul punished if he misses Dillon Danis fight. Please like and share if You are interested!

UFC legend Conor McGregor is helping Dillon Danis ahead of his fight against Logan Paul and wants ‘The Maverick’ to be punished if he pulls out of the bout.

Logan Paul is set to return to the ring on the Prime card where he’ll co-main event alongside former rival KSI, but his match against Danis could already be in jeopardy.

Despite Paul warning Danis that he would be fined if he pulls out of the fight, Danis is instead worried that his opponent will duck him after getting under his skin by involving fiancé Nina Adgal on social media.

Now, Conor McGregor has revealed his involvement in the fight by getting into camp with his longtime training partner and warned Logan Paul that there will be consequences for canceling.

Conor McGregor warns Logan Paul not to pull out of Dillon Danis fight

Speaking with Matchroom Boxing, McGregor shared his thoughts on the upcoming match and guaranteed victory, claiming that Dillon would win “for sure.”

“They’re already backtracking right now. I’m going to train him for this and I guarantee he’ll win,” the Irishman proclaimed.

(segment begins at 1:33)

McGregor further addressed the penalty that Logan has on Dillon if he were to pull out and said he wants something similar applied to Paul instead.

“I hope the lad shows up, they’re trying to put a bill on us if we don’t show up but we’re going to come at him with a bill if he doesn’t show up. For sure I’m getting into camp myself after this so when that’s organized I’m going to bring Dillon in and make sure and just monitor it,” the former UFC champ explained.

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According to McGregor, he trained with Danis in New York a month ago and believes he’s in “a great space mentally,” reiterating that Dillon has what it takes to add another loss to Logan’s record.

We’ll have to see what the future holds and if the October 14 match even ends up going ahead. One thing’s for sure though, there’s definitely no love lost between Paul and rival Dillon Danis.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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