
Crooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids

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THE owner of Britain’s wonkiest pub has denied responsibility for its destruction, raging: “P*** off and let us have a holiday.”

Crooked House boss Adam Taylor — in Corfu with wife Carly and their children — said the family just wanted to get away from the “bull***t” back in England.


Crooked House boss Adam Taylor raged as he denied any responsibility for the August 5 blaze and subsequent demolition of the 18th-century pubCredit: Roland Leon – Commissioned by The SunCrooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids 1Crooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids 2


He was flanked by wife Carly, whose name is on the title of the pub in Himley, Staffs – but she stayed tight-lippedCredit: Roland Leon – Commissioned by The Sun

The shirtless businessman, 44, was less than happy to be questioned by The Sun over the August 5 blaze and subsequent demolition of the 18th-century pub.

Speaking on the steps of the family’s £20,000-a-week holiday villa, he said police had yet to question him or his wife, 34, over the fire.

He went on angrily: “There was nothing serious. I’m not getting into discussing it.

“We didn’t answer anything in the UK because of the police investigation so we’re not f***ing gonna answer anything here, are we?

“Just p*** off and let us have a holiday away from all the lies and bull***t in England.

“When the police finish their investigation I’ll put a story out then, when I’m ready.”

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Mr Taylor was flanked by Carly, whose name is on the title of the pub in Himley, Staffs, but she stayed tight-lipped.

After the fire, Staffordshire Police said they would be speaking to the owners as suspicions grew that the blaze was arson.

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Questions have also been raised over the demolition of the pub which was flattened by diggers just 36 hours after the fire.

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It was also revealed the popular boozer, where coins and marbles would appear to roll uphill along the bar, was put forward for listed status protection days before it was reduced to rubble.

It would have meant that the owners, who bought the pub only last month, would have needed council permission to demolish it.

And it has been claimed the digger that flattened the charred ruins was hired before the blaze.

Crooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids 3Crooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids 4


It was revealed that the popular boozer was put forward for listed status protection days before it was reduced to rubbleCredit: Nick Maslen / Alamy / PA WireCrooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids 5Crooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids 6


Staffordshire Police said they would be speaking to the owners after the fire as suspicions grew the blaze was arsonCredit: Twitter

The Taylors flew with their children to Corfu on Wednesday, days after a trip to Dubai.

Mr Taylor was heard on his phone at Birmingham airport, moaning about the widespread media coverage of the blaze.

The family is thought to be staying for a week at the villa before returning to deal with the fallout.

The Crooked House was sold by Marston’s Brewery last month to ATE Farms, a company controlled by former hairdresser and nail technician Mrs Taylor.

Her husband is a shareholder and former director of Himley Environmental, which runs a landfill site next to the pub.

While police investigate the cause of the fire, South Staffordshire council says its lawyers are looking into potential planning breaches over the pub’s demolition.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Crooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids – Tekmonk Bio, Crooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids – Kungfutv, Crooked House pub’s foul-mouthed owner denies any responsibility for blaze on swish holiday in Corfu with wife and kids – Blogtomoney

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