
Daniel Villegas- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2023

Daniel Villegas- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Daniel Villegas- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career. Please like and share if You are interested!

Daniel Villegas is a mentor and employee at Mimbela’s construction firm in El Paso, Texas, USA. He was imprisoned in 1993 for two capital murders he had never committed. On June 10, 2018, Daniel made headlines when he discovered an innocent victim of the capital killings. In September 2021, he was charged in connection with a fatal hit-and-run in North Charleston. According to sources, the public associates this case with Daniel’s wrongful conviction.

Quick Facts

NameDaniel Villegas.
Birth Date1 April 1977.
Age (as of 2023)46 Years.
Birth PlaceEl Paso, Texas, The United States.
ProfessionAn employee at Mimbela’s Construction Company.
Wife / SpouseAmanda.
Children3 Daughters and 1 Son (name not known)
Sun SignAries
Net worthUS$ 500k-600k (approx).

Daniel Villegas’s Age & Early Life

Daniel Villegas was born on April 1, 1977, in El Paso, Texas, USA. He is 46 years old as of 2023. He was born under the sign of Aries. Aries individuals are hardworking and ambitious in all facets of their lives. Villegas has great faith in Jesus, and he even went to church after being released from jail. He was born in the United States. Villegas graduated from high school in El Paso, Texas. We discovered via an inquiry that he had dropped out of high school in the eighth grade. He is talented with musical instruments.

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Daniel Villegas Height & Weight

Daniel is in his late forties (as of 2023). From the outside, he seems to be intelligent and attractive. He constantly wears glasses. Daniel stands 5 feet 10 inches (1.77m) tall. He enjoys eating steak meals. He stays about 87 kg (191 lbs) in weight. Villegas has tattoos on both arms, which are visible in his photos.

Daniel Villegas- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 1Daniel Villegas- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2

Daniel Villegas’s Net Worth

How much is Daniel Villegas’s net worth? Daniel is a hardworking individual. Even after much pain, he never quits up. When it came to Daniel’s earnings, he made a lot of money from his employment. Daniel Villegas’ net worth is estimated to be between $500k and $600k US dollars.


In Texas, he works in the construction sector. He works as a daily employer in the sector after being released from jail. Following his release, the episode of his jail experience titled ‘Wrongful Conviction’ by Laura Nirider and Steven Drizin was published. In August 2021, he was also featured in ‘The Words On Fire Podcast’s episode 123. Currently, he serves as a mentor to the staff of Mimbela’s construction firm. He appeared in several TV appearances and YouTube channels to recount his time in prison.

Crime Accusation

On April 10, 1993, four young men, Armando Lazo (17), Bobby (Robert) England (18), Jesse Hernandez, and Juan Medina, returned home after a house party. Someone began fire after a while when they arrived at the road crossing. According to accounts, Lazo and England were shot, while Jesse and Medina fled. Officers Marquez, Graves, Arbogast, and Laredo of the El Paso Police Department (EPPD) investigated the homicide. Jesse and Medina informed authorities that they were unable to identify the shooters. Marquez later detained Michael Johnston (15) and questioned him for almost 8 hours. He was even threatened with the death sentence by the cops.

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On April 21, 1993, Marquez arrived with the second suspect, David Rangel (17), and began interrogation. Officers from the EPPD intimidated the suspects into accepting the admissions. David said that his cousin, Daniel Villegas (16), had killed Lazo and England. He also claimed that he did not commit the crime. Because Villegas was viewing a movie at the time of the shooting at the Village Green Apartments.

Daniel Villegas Wife & Marriage

Who is Daniel Villegas’s wife? Daniel Villegas married his sweetheart Amanda in front of family members and other relatives. His wife Amanda used to send letters to him on behalf of his sister before they married. Amanda and Villegas initially met when he was in jail. She had hitherto just felt pity for Daniel. She felt special for him after a few encounters with him, and she expressed her love in front of Villegas in jail.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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