
David Pajo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023

David Pajo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about David Pajo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

David Pajo is an accomplished musician. He is, in fact, a professional guitarist. He also plays the banjo and the drums. Alternative rock, hardcore punk, math rock, post-rock, electronica, folk rock, and indie pop are among his genres. He is most known now for his work as a guitarist in the band “Slint.” He has collaborated with various other bands, including “King Kong,” “Tortoise,” “Zwan,” “Bush League,” and others. He also appeared as a solo performer.

Quick Facts

Real NameDavid Pajo
Nick NameDavid
Date Of BirthJune 25, 1968
Age55 years old
Height5 feet 8 inches
Weight68 kg
Hair ColorDark brown
Eye colorDark brown
Net Worth$15 million

David Pajo’s Age & Early Life

David Pajo was born in the American state of Texas. David Christian Pajo was born on June 25, 1968. He has not revealed any unusual details about his upbringing or early life. Music has always captivated him since he was a child. He remains silent while discussing personal experiences. As a result, facts regarding his family and ethnicity remain unknown. Likewise, we don’t know anything about his educational history.

David Pajo Height & Weight

David Pajo is 5 feet 8 inches tall. He weighs approximately 68 kg. He has lovely warm dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. There is no information on his chest-waist-hip measurements, dress size, shoe size, biceps, and so on.

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David Pajo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 1David Pajo- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2

David Pajo’s Net Worth

How much is David Pajo’s net worth? He must now be making a good living from his job. As a result, his net worth is expected to exceed $15 million by July 2023. However, such numbers are not currently accessible.


David Pajo is a well-known guitarist. He came to prominence as a guitarist with the Kentucky-based band ‘Slint.’ He began his career with the band “Obscene Routine.” He did, however, record for the first time with “Unknown Solution” in 1986. Until 1996, he recorded a few EPs and LPs with the band. Meanwhile, he was working with other bands such as “Bush League,” “King Kong,” and others.

He came to prominence, though, after joining the band ‘Slint.’ His albums include “Tweez” (1989), “Spiderland” (1991), and “Slint EP” (1994). He has collaborated with other bands such as ‘Zwan’ and ‘Tortoise.’ He created CDs with them such as “Millions Now Living Will Never Die” and “Mary Star of the Sea.” In addition, as a solo artist, he created songs. “Aerial M,” “Papa M,” “Pajo,” and others are among them. Among his most well-known songs are “Lights,” “Barricade,” and “Good Morning Captain.”

David Pajo Girlfriend & Dating

Who is David Pajo dating? David Pajo’s romantic status is presently unknown. Although he tweets images of his children, it is unknown whether or not he is married. Also, according to his Instagram post, he seems to be in a relationship or married to a woman with whom he has two children, although this is not confirmed. He is the father of one boy and one daughter. He seldom discusses the relationship in public. As a result, we don’t know if he is married or merely in a relationship.

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Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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