
Does BeReal Notify Someone When a Screenshot Is Taken? 2023

Does BeReal Notify Someone When a Screenshot Is Taken? 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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Here’s what you should know about screening BeReal posts and whether others will get notified about it.

It’s helpful to know if someone has been notified before you decide to screenshot something from social media. Some apps like Snapchat will notify you if your post is screenshotted, but others like X (formerly Twitter) will not.


But what happens when you take a screenshot on BeReal? Here’s everything you need to know.

Does BeReal notify you about screenshots?

Woman standing taking photo on phone

You will not receive push notifications when someone takes a screenshot of your BeReal post. If you take a screenshot, the user will not receive a notification. However, you can tell if someone took a screenshot of your BeReal post by viewing the post itself.

When you open the BeReal app, there will be a small screenshot icon in the corner of your post if someone has screenshotted it. It’s a small white square with the number of screenshots taken in the middle. So users can see if you took a screenshot of their post or not.

This is different from apps like Snapchat that send banner notifications to your phone when someone takes a screenshot of your post.

How can you tell who took a screenshot of your BeReal post?

If you notice the screenshot icon on your BeReal, you can easily see which of your friends took the screenshot by following these steps:

  1. Tap the Screenshot icon in the corner of your post
  2. Share your BeReal to any available platform
  3. BeReal will reveal the username and profile picture of the user who took the screenshot
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4 images BeReal home feed with Screenshot icon Share BeReal to reveal who took the screenshot Share BeReal to reveal screenshots BeReal screenshot menu

Keep in mind that this means other users can also know when to screenshot a BeReal post.

There is currently no way to prevent users from screening your posts, so be careful who you add as friends and what you share on the platform. Keep this in mind when choosing whether to share your post to the Friends of Friends tab.

Why does BeReal notify you about screenshots?

Knowing whether your posts are saved and can be shared helps maintain user safety and privacy on the platform. It can also prevent users from taking screenshots if they know they will be detected.

After all, we all probably want to know if our posts are in someone else’s photo gallery.

Think before taking screenshots on BeReal

people using phones to make video calls

Knowing how someone will be notified about your screenshot can make you think twice before taking that screenshot, and it can also keep your posts safe. Screenshot notifications give users the confidence to be truly “authentic” when posting regardless of what they look like or what they are doing at the moment, as the post is unlikely to be shared beyond people they’ve added as friends and Friends of the Friends tab if they shared with it.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Bio

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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