
Doug Jones- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

Doug Jones- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Doug Jones- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Doug Jones is an actor, contortionist, and mime from the United States. He is well known for his appearances in films such as ‘Hellboy,’ ‘Pan’s Labyrinth,’ and ‘The Shape of Water,’ among others. Doug Jones is also a series regular on ‘Star Trek: Discovery.’

Quick Facts

Real NameDoug Jones
Nick NameDoug
Date Of BirthMay 24, 1960
Age63 years old
BirthplaceIndianapolis, Indiana
ProfessionActor, contortionist
Height6 feet 3 inches
Weight70 kg
Hair ColorLight Brown
Eye colorBlue
Net Worth$2 million

Doug Jones’s Age & Early Life

Doug Jones was born on May 24, 1960, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Gordon and Gloria Jones were his parents. Doug was the fourth of four brothers. As a kid, he had a strong interest in performing and mining. He is an American citizen. Furthermore, no information concerning his ethnic heritage is yet accessible. Jones went to Bishop Chatard High School for his studies. He also went on to graduate from Ball State University.

Doug Jones Height & Weight

In terms of height, Jones stands at 6 feet 3 inches (1.92 m). In addition, his hair is light brown, and his eyes are blue.

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Doug Jones’s Net Worth

How much is Doug Jones’s net worth? Jones has not disclosed his current pay. However, as of July 2023, his net worth is estimated to be approximately $2 million.

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Jones started his career as the 1980s television commercial character ‘Mac Tonight.’ In addition, Doug played Tim in the 1988 film ‘The Newlydeads.’ Jones appeared in films and television programs such as ‘Night Angel,’ ‘In Living Color,’ ‘Batman Returns,’ ‘Hocus Pocus,’ and ‘Tales from the Crypt’ in the early 1990s. He thereafter acted in a number of additional films and television shows. He now has more than 150 acting credits.

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Other films and television series in which Jones has appeared include “Star Trek: Discovery,” “Beneath the Leaves,” “Automata,” “5th Passenger,” “Hell’s Kitty,” “Monster School Animation,” “Nazareth,” “Terror of Halloween,” “The Danger Element,” “Nobility,” “The Bye Bye Man,” “Space Command,” “Ouija: Origin of Evil,” “The Strain,” “Patient Seven,” “Ge

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Jones was nominated for a Saturn Award in 2018 for his portrayal in ‘Star Trek: Discovery.’ In addition, in 2017, he received the Special Honorary Award from the Austin Film Critics Association. H e has also been nominated for the ACCA and GenreBlast Film Festival Awards.

Doug Jones Wife & Marriage

Who is Doug Jones’s wife? Doug Jones is a husband. Laurie Jones is his wife. On April 14, 1984, the couple married. They have no children from their marriage. Furthermore, there is no word of any extramarital relationships at the moment, indicating that the marriage is still going strong.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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