
Dr Ramakanta Panda Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Education, Wife, Family, Biography & More 2023

Dr Ramakanta Panda Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Education, Wife, Family, Biography & More 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Dr Ramakanta Panda Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Education, Wife, Family, Biography & More. Please like and share if You are interested!

Dr Ramakanta Panda Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Education, Wife, Family, Biography & More 1Dr Ramakanta Panda Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Education, Wife, Family, Biography & More 2

Dr Ramakanta Panda in India’s Chief consultant for Cardiovascular Thoracic surgery and also the MD and chairperson of Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai. He is awarded Padma Bhushan third highest civilian award by Indian President Pratibha Patil in 2010. He is the world class famous doctor for high success rate 99.6% in bypass surgery. Check more details about Dr Ramakanta Panda Wiki, Age, Education, Wife, Family, Net Worth, Salary, Biography & More.


Dr Ramakanta Panda Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Education, Wife, Family, Biography & More 3Dr Ramakanta Panda Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Education, Wife, Family, Biography & More 4

Dr Ramakanta Panda was born on 3rd April 1954 (Age 67 years; As in 2021) in Damodarpur village of Jajpur town, Odisha, India. His full name is Ramakanta Madanmohan Panda. His zodiac sign is Aries. His religion is Hinduism. His nationality is Indian. Since childhood, he is the topper in all the schools and university where he get education.
He is expert in Cardiac surgery, Redo bypass surgery.


He did his schooling from local school of Jajpur district. Afterthat he studied two years in BJB College, Bhubaneswar.

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BJB College, Bhubaneswar

And later went to SCB Medical College, Cuttack and topped the university.

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SCB Medical College, Cuttack

Between 1980-1985, he did his postgraduation in surgery and heart surgery from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and topped.

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All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Thereafter, he did his fellowship training from Cleveland Clinic, USA.

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Cleveland Clinic, USA

He also worked for one year at Harefield Hospital, UK and trained by the world’s most high profile cardiac surgeon and heart transplant specialist Magdi Yacoub.

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Harefield Hospital, UK

Physical Appearance

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Height: 6′ 0″ inch

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Weight: 76 Kg

Eye Colour: Black

Hair Colour: Bald

Skin Colour: Fair

Family & Wife

Dr Ramakanta Panda don’t disclose any information about his parents. He is married to beautiful supportive wife Sanghamitra Panda.

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Dr Ramakanta Panda with his wife

Both were happily married couple and together very supportive by nature. They have two children son Saswat Panda and daughter Sonal Panda.


Dr Ramakanta started his career after moved back to India from United Kingdom. He started his main career by founded Asian Heart Institute in 2002.

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Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai

Where he and his team members of highly experienced doctors treat heart patients.

He was doing an outstanding results in the world to treat high risk patients with our team members and 24 hour monitoring of patients in ICU by senior doctors with high speciality. Many big and rare surgeries done by Dr Ramakanta Panda and his team are:

1. A businessman of Karnataka, Mithalal Dhoka who had 17 blockages in arteries of heart. Dr Panda used a record number of 12 to restore blood flow and fix his heart and survived.
2. 39 year old man Dipesh Shah suffered from major heart problem doctor says this is very extremely and rare case to developing and heal but Dr Ramakanta Panda successfully repaired heart valve surgery without seriousness.
3. A 76 year old man complicated heart surgery done by Dr Ramakanta Panda its a 10 hour surgery.
4. A 65 year old man third bypass surgery to keep his heart beating done by Dr Ramakanta Panda.
5. A boy from Iraq for open heart surgery to fix the hole in his heart and successfully done by Dr Ramakanta Panda.

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Dr Ramakanta Panda with Dr Manmohan Singh

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Many more big successful stories of Dr Ramakanta Panda of his heart surgeries. In the last few years he performed many high government profiles heart surgeries like Dr Manmohan Singh former Prime Minister of India, Mr Rajiv Shukla (MP), Tarun Gogoi (Chief Minister of Assam), D. Raja (leader of Communist Party), Narasingha Mishra (Odisha Congress leader and Minister), Lalu Prasad Yadav (Ex-Railway Minister).

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He is expert and one of the pioneers of offpump bypass surgery, redo bypass surgery and high risk surgeries and brings the latest medical equipments to India.

He is world known famous for one of the safest heart surgeons in the world and the surgeon with the safest hands.

Awards and Achievements

In our heart surgery profession he was achieved many awards and honors are:

  • In 2010, he was awarded by India’s 3rd highest civilian award Padma Bhushan by Indian President Pratibha Patil.

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Dr Ramakant Panda received Padma Bhushan by Indian President Pratibha Patil

  • He was honored with Degree of Doctorate in Science from Utkal University, Orissa.
  • He was also awarded by Oriya Sahitya Samaj award Utkal Ratna.
  • He was awarded Rashtriya Samman Patra twice by Indian government for one of the highest taxpayers in India.
  • He was honored by nominated to All India Institute of Medical Science.
  • He was honored by Medgate Today as the No. 1 heart surgeon and one of the 25 legends in the healthcare of India.

Net Worth

According the media sources, he don’t disclosed our net worth but he is the highest taxpayers of India. And the India’s highest taxpayers income is in 100+ Crores.

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Dr Ramakanta Panda with Nita Ambani

So, his net worth is in thousand of crores estimated because he is the India’s renowned best heart surgeon with the high success rate and founder, managing director of Asian Heart Hospitals all over India and daily do high risk heart surgery. His one heart surgery fees is Rs. 5 Lakh to 6 Lakh. His monthly salary income is above Rs. 20+ Crores.

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Social Handles of Dr Ramakanta Panda

Facebook: DrRPanda

Twitter: drramakantapanda

Instagram: drpandaasianheart

Amazing Facts of Dr Ramakanta Panda

  • He did a Redo Bypass surgery of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on January 24, 2009.
  • On World Heart Day he address the nation and spoke about the battle of heart disease.

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Dr Ramakanta Panda with Sambit Patra

  • His Asian Heart Institute is the health partner of Mumbai Marathon since 2004 and maintains first aid stations in the 42 Km route, all of the Asian Heart Institute runners felicitated at the annual Braveheart Awards.
  • Along with BK Mishra (Neurosurgeon) and Arup Patnaik (former Mumbai Police Commissioner), he set up the Konark Cancer Foundation for cancer patients who are coming to Tata Memorial Hospital for cancer treatment providing the financial support upto Rs. 1 Lakh per patient and many facilities.
  • His Asian Heart Institute is the first hospital in Western India to bring the da Vinci Si Surgical system.

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Dr Ramakanta Panda with his team

  • As per 2016, Dr Ramakanta Panda performed 20,000+ cardiac surgeries including over 1800+ redo bypass surgeries and over 3000+ high risk surgeries.
  • He is well known for 99.6% highest success rate in bypass surgery as a world class standard.

You can also read many big powerful Surgeons Biographies like AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria, Dr Naresh Trehan, Dr Devi Prasad Shetty.

Categories: Trending
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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