
Drake Rodger- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2023

Drake Rodger- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Drake Rodger- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career. Please like and share if You are interested!

Drake Rodger is an American actor, model, media personality, and television personality from Los Angeles, California. He appeared in a number of well-known Hollywood films. Drake rose to prominence as a result of his acting abilities.

Quick Facts

Full Real NameDrake Rodger.
OccupationActor, model, media face, and television personality.
Date of Birth1 February 1999.
Age (as of 2023)24 years old.
Place of BirthLos Angles, United States.
Net WorthUSD 1 million (approx.).
Zodiac SignAquarius.
School/CollegeThe Performers Studio Workshop and Andy Matheny Acting Studio

Drake Rodger’s Age & Early Life

Rodger was born on 1 February 1999, in Los Angeles, California, in the United States. Drake was born under the Aquarius zodiac sign. According to accounts, he was born in Los Angeles in 1999 (age: 24 as of 2023) to White Caucasian parents. Rodger’s boyhood was spent playing with his younger brother. He has been extremely close to his sister since childhood, and he and his sister used to argue. Rodger finished his elementary schooling at a local LA school. He started taking acting courses after finishing his studies at The Performers Studio Workshop and Andy Matheny Acting Studio in Florida.

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Drake Rodger Height & Weight

Drake is around 6 feet 2 inches tall. He weighed roughly 63 kg, according to social media information. He has lovely hazel eyes. Rodger is a really attractive young actor with whom any female would fall in love. He has naturally black hair. His skin tone is light.

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Drake Rodger- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 1Drake Rodger- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2

Drake Rodger’s Net Worth

How much is Drake Rodger’s net worth? Drake is making a lot of money from his acting career. His acting job is his source of income. There is no information regarding his overall net worth on social media. His net worth is believed to be USD 1 million. With his costly possessions, the actor lives a lavish lifestyle. He lives in a luxurious mansion in his hometown.

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Rodger is a well-known actor who has been in several films and television programs. In 2020, he began his acting career by appearing in the well-known film Murder RX. Rodger is a dedicated and gifted actor. Drake has appeared in several films, including Terra Beach, Not Alone, The In Between, Quiet In My Town, Mantra, and The Winchesters. He collaborated with Meg Donnelly on his most recent television series, The Winchesters. The pair captivates the audience with their exceptional acting abilities and presentation.

Drake Rodger Girlfriend & Dating

Who is Drake Rodger dating? Drake’s admirers want to know about his current relationship status. We have some good news for his female fans: he is now unmarried (as of 2023). Rodger posted several photos with his pals on social media, but he never revealed anything about his personal life or his relationship. According to sources, he is single. Perhaps the star wants to devote more time to his performing profession.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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