
Elektra Kilbey- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Elektra Kilbey- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Elektra Kilbey- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Elektra Kilbey is a Celebrity Daughter and an Australian singer. She also rose to prominence as one half of the musical duet Say Lou Lou with her twin sister Miranda Kilbey. She is also best known as the daughter of Australian singer-songwriters Steve Kilbey and Karin Jansson.

Quick Facts

Real NameElektra Kilbey
Nick NameElektra
Date Of BirthJune 07, 1991
Age32 years old
Height5 feet 7 inches
Weight59 kg
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye colorBlue
Net Worth$1 million-$5 million

Elektra Kilbey’s Age & Early Life

Elektra Kilbey was born in Australia on June 7, 1991. She is 32 years old as of 2023. Steve Kilbey, Elektra’s father, is a well-known Singer-Songwriter. Karin Jansson, her mother, is also a musician. They resided in Sydney, Australia, until relocating to Sweden with her mother after her parent’s divorce.

She returned to her birthplace when she was 16 years old. Miranda Kilbey, her twin sister, was born four minutes after she was. She has three half-sisters on her father’s side. Similarly, she is of Australian nationality and was born under the sign of Gemini. She must also have a high school diploma. The two sisters dropped out of college to pursue a singing career.

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Elektra Kilbey Height & Weight

Elektra Kilbey is a stunning 30-year-old woman with a wonderful personality. She stands 5 feet and 7 inches tall and weighs 59 kg. Similarly, there are no specifics on her bodily measurements. According to her photographs, she has lovely blue eyes and blonde hair.Elektra Kilbey- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 1Elektra Kilbey- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2

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Elektra Kilbey’s Net Worth

How much is Elektra Kilbey’s net worth? Elektra hasn’t shared much information regarding her financial situation as of 2023. As of July 2023, her net worth is expected to be between $1 – $5 million. However, as a musician, she should have made a good living. In any case, her father possessed a sizable fortune.

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Elektra Kilbey and her twin sister, Miranda Kilbey, began making music when their mother turned 50. uring Collegiate Day, they formed a club called Saint Lou Lou and left college to expand the group. They then changed the name of the band to Say, Lou Lou. They signed a recording contract with Son/Columbia in 2013, but it expired in October 2014. Following that, on February 23, 2015, the pair released their first album, Lucid Dreaming, through the label COSMOS.

On October 26, 2018, COSMOS published the duo’s second album Immortelle. All Love to Me, Julian, and The Look of Love are a few of their well-known tunes. The couple has also been on the covers of Vogue and V Magazine. They have also been seen in advertisements for H&M and Gucci. Her acting credits include Odd Man Rush, Tyttöjä, naisia ja akkoja, Golden Child – Say Lou Lou, and Kranz & Ziegler Feat. Say anything, Lou Lou.

Elektra Kilbey Boyfriend & Dating

Who is Elektra Kilbey’s dating? Elektra’s personal life is mostly unknown. There is no information about her personal life. She might be single or in a relationship with someone she wishes to keep private right now. She had a boyfriend in the past, according to certain websites. She could reveal anything about her love life in the future so that we can talk about it.

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Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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