
Elizabeth Berrington’s Net Worth in 2023 – What’s Her Current Wealth? 2023

Elizabeth Berrington’s Net Worth in 2023 – What’s Her Current Wealth? 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Elizabeth Berrington’s Net Worth in 2023 – What’s Her Current Wealth?. Please like and share if You are interested!

Elizabeth Berrington’s 2023 Net Worth: Renowned English actress Elizabeth Berrington possesses a fortune of $5 million. Born on August 3, 1970, she continues to captivate fans with her talents. Stay tuned on our site for celebrity Net Worth updates and trends at LDG.

Elizabeth Berrington’s Net Worth in 2023 – What’s Her Current Wealth? 1Elizabeth Berrington’s Net Worth in 2023 – What’s Her Current Wealth? 2

I. Elizabeth Berrington’s Wealth

Based on our research, Elizabeth Berrington’s net worth is estimated at $5 million. Her success as an English actress significantly contributes to her wealth.


Elizabeth Berrington

Net Worth( 2023)

$5 Million Dollars


English Actress

Date of Birth

3 August 1970


53 years old


167 cm (5 Feet 6 Inches)


(118 lbs) 54 kg


Wallasey, United Kingdom



II. Who is Elizabeth Berrington?

Elizabeth Berrington, born on August 3, 1970, in Wallasey, Cheshire, is a celebrated English actress known for her versatile talents on stage and screen. With a passion for acting that fueled her illustrious career, she seamlessly embodies various characters, leaving an indelible mark on both comedic and dramatic roles.

Her recognition in the entertainment industry stems from her profoun.d ability to transform into diverse characters, evident in popular TV series like “Stella” and “The Syndicate,” as well as memorable film performances in “In Bruges” and “Nanny McPhee.”

Berrington’s dedication and skill shine through her immersive performances, earning her accolades in theater and film. Beyond acting, she garners admiration for championing social causes and using her platform to raise awareness.

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Across a career spanning decades, Elizabeth Berrington remains a vital asset to entertainment. Her captivating, thought-provoking performances solidify her status as a respected and accomplished actress

III. Elizabeth Berrington’s Age?

In 2023, Elizabeth Berrington, a vibrant talent, shines at 53. Born on August 3, 1970, in picturesque Wallasey, Cheshire, England, her enduring acting passion inspires peers and fans. Her energy, creativity, and dedication embody ageless spirit, showcasing boundless talent.

Berrington’s journey boasts memorable performances reflecting evolving artistry. Her 2023 age signifies wisdom and brilliance in every role. As years pass, her age becomes a testament to timeless performances resonating across generations.

IV. Elizabeth Berrington’s height?

At 167 cm (5 feet 6 inches) tall, Elizabeth Berrington exudes a commanding presence that beautifully complements her artistic skills. Weighing 54 kg (118 lbs), she embodies a seamless harmony between her physical presence and emotive performances.

V. Elizabeth Berrington’s Life Story

Born on August 3, 1970, in Wallasey, Cheshire, England, Elizabeth Berrington is a distinguished actress whose impactful career has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. With a natural flair for performing arts evident from an early age, she pursued her passion with unwavering dedication.

Berrington’s career is marked by versatility and depth, evident in her seamless transition between stage and screen, effortlessly navigating between comedy and drama. Her theatrical debut with the renowned Royal Shakespeare Company showcased her exceptional talent and paved the way for impactful contributions to British television and film.

Her filmography reflects a remarkable range, from her endearing portrayal of Chummy in “Nanny McPhee” to captivating TV performances in series like “Waterloo Road,” “The Syndicate,” and “Stella.”

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Beyond her acting, Berrington’s career is defined by her commitment to using her platform for social change. Engaging with roles shedding light on important issues, she lends her voice to meaningful causes. Her accolades and recognition not only showcase her talent, but also her impact as an artist who inspires, educates, and provokes thought.

With enduring passion, Elizabeth Berrington’s journey inspires aspiring actors and enthusiasts. Her contributions enrich the entertainment world, solidifying her legacy as an accomplished and influential artist

Real Name

Elizabeth Berrington

Nick Name

Elizabeth Berrington

Date of birth

3 August 1970


53 years old


167 cm (5 Feet 6 Inches)


(118 lbs) 54 kg

Birth Place

Wallasey, United Kingdom




English Actress





Eye Colour


Hair Colour



Weatherhead High School, Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art

Zodiac Sign


VI. Elizabeth Berrington’s Social Media Profiles


Not available


Not available


Not available


Not available


Not availabl

VII. Elizabeth Berrington’s Nationality

Accomplished actress Elizabeth Berrington proudly embodies her British heritage. Born on August 3, 1970, in Wallasey, Cheshire, she embraces her English roots across her illustrious career. Beyond a label, her nationality forms a foundation for her artistic identity and distinct role perspectives.

Berrington’s British identity weaves through character portrayals, reflecting cultural nuances and societal intricacies. This connection infuses authenticity into her performances, effectively conveying human complexities on stage and screen.

VIII. Elizabeth Berrington’s Professional Journey

Elizabeth Berrington’s career is a dynamic journey through acting, marked by versatility, depth, and unwavering dedication. Born on August 3, 1970, in Wallasey, Cheshire, her fervent artistic pursuit defines her contributions to entertainment.

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From formative years with the Royal Shakespeare Company, Berrington traverses theatre, television, and film seamlessly. Her commanding stage presence contrasts with captivating screen performances spanning heartwarming comedies to intense dramas.

Notable roles like Chummy in “Nanny McPhee” and engaging TV performances in series such as “Waterloo Road,” “The Syndicate,” and “Stella” showcase her artistry.

Beyond acting, Berrington infuses roles with depth and authenticity, addressing social issues. Her career illuminates acting’s transformative power, inspiring, provoking thought, and impacting entertainment.

IX. Elizabeth Berrington’s Net Worth – FAQ

1. Who is Elizabeth Berrington?

Elizabeth Berrington is an English actress born on August 3, 1970, and currently aged 53.

2. Elizabeth Berrington’s Net Worth?

In 2023, Elizabeth Berrington’s net worth is $5 million. Born on August 3, 1970, she is an English Actress.

3. Elizabeth Berrington’s weight?

English Actress Elizabeth Berrington weighs 54 kg (118 lbs). Learn more about her in the article above.

4. Elizabeth Berrington’s Height?

Elizabeth Berrington, an English Actress, stands at 167 cm (5 feet 6 inches) tall.

5. How old is Elizabeth Berrington?

Born on August 3, 1970, Elizabeth Berrington is 53 years old.

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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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