
Fans pay their respects after Shroud reveals his father died 2023

Fans pay their respects after Shroud reveals his father died 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Fans pay their respects after Shroud reveals his father died. Please like and share if You are interested!

Popular streamer Shroud has shared with fans the tragic news that he lost his father to lung cancer.

Michael Grzesiek, better known as ‘Shroud’ online, is a popular streamer, YouTuber, and former professional gamer. He started off as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player and earnt the nickname “The human aimbot” for his insanely good aim.

He took to Twitter today on August 12 to share with fans the heartbreaking news that his father had passed away after a battle with lung cancer.

“He always supported me, got me into gaming, and helped shape my love for games specifically FPS (first-person shooter),” Shroud wrote. “Rest in peace papa Shroud.”

Fans rushed to offer the streamer their condolences and support during this hard time.

“I’m so sorry for your loss man, before my dad passed he was the reason I became so competitive and he was my biggest supporter,” ‘Rawkus’ posted. He also offered Shroud some kind words moving forward, writing, “Find solace in the fact he knew you followed your dreams and got to see you flourish. It’ll never be easy but you’ll get through it, much love.”

Justin Ort, who goes by ‘Just9n’ online and is also a former professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player, shared that he knew Shroud’s father personally and offered his condolences.

“I was a big fan of Mr. Tomtruck and I’m very grateful I got to spend time with him and enjoy his presence before this tragedy happened,” Just9n wrote. “[Of course] Mike I love you to pieces [brother] and I’m very sorry this happened to you. [Rest in peace papa Shroud].”

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“Sorry for your loss. Cancer sucks man. Lost my mom to it,” another commenter, ‘BigBroR0’, said. “Take the time to [grieve] and be around those who mean the most to you in this time.”

Our thoughts are with Shroud and his family during this hard time.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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