
Former ‘Bachelor’ producer reveals secret: ‘It’s like a truth serum’ 2023

Former ‘Bachelor’ producer reveals secret: ‘It’s like a truth serum’ 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Former ‘Bachelor’ producer reveals secret: ‘It’s like a truth serum’. Please like and share if You are interested!

Former producer Michael Carroll has revealed the behind-the-scenes secrets of ‘Bachelor’ in the Vice documentary “Dark Side of the 2000s”.

The Bachelor first aired in 2002 and was an instant hit, leading to subsequent seasons featuring celebrities like Travis Kelce.

Viewers loved the film not only for the tension of the dates but also for the intense drama that accompanies it.

But as Michael Carroll revealed on “Dark Side of the 2000s,” first reported by the New York Post, the show’s producers will aim to “make a girl cry in front of the camera.”

“The Bachelor” Producer: “You’ll Cry Right Here.”

Michael Carroll, the show’s former producer, detailed some of the tactics they would use to “make a girl cry in front of the camera”.

One tactic is to research a girl’s past, then bring up the most traumatic events. Carroll describes these details as the girls’ “hot buttons” and says they use them with the aim of “undermining their psyche”.

Carroll also describes other tactics for making the show as chaotic as possible. He revealed that in season 1 of The Bachelor, they left the girls in a limo filled with champagne: “They just sat in the limo, drinking Champagne until they got drunk. [drunk].”

In the documentary Vice, Dark Side of the 2000, Carroll wasn’t the only one speaking out about the show. Kelly Jo Higgins confirmed that producers relied on alcohol to incite drama on the show. She describes it as “a truth serum”.

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The Bachelor has been on the air since 2002 and is still on the air. The modern bachelor has more celebrities than before, with sports stars like Travis Kelce and social media influencers like the TikToker “TooTurntAnthony.”

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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