
Fousey claims Jake Paul paid for hospitalization that saved his life 2023

Fousey claims Jake Paul paid for hospitalization that saved his life 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Fousey claims Jake Paul paid for hospitalization that saved his life. Please like and share if You are interested!

YouTuber and streamer Fousey has revealed Jake Paul paid for his hospitalization in a mental health institution that he claims saved his life.

During a recent August 10 episode of Bradley Martyn’s Raw Talk podcast, Fousey opened up about his struggles after his fight with Deji.

The YouTube star claimed that while going through that rough patch in his life after his loss, Jake Paul paid for his hospitalization at a mental health facility.

Fousey revealed he first got in contact with Paul’s manager Nikisa, where he asked if there was anything he could be hired for. “I was about to end my life,” he said.

“I called Nikisa, Jake Paul’s boxing manager. I said brother my life is over, I gave him the whole schpeel, I was crying outside the gym. I said it’s over is there anything you can hire me to do?”

Fousey says Jake Paul saved his life paying for hospitalization

Despite not having any sort of relationship prior, days later Fousey got a call from Jake Paul himself, where he admitted to ‘The Problem Child’ that he was suicidal. “I go, Jake, I’m about to off myself. I’m done, and I was.”

“He goes I know the best therapist in LA. I tell her I need to go to a mental health hospital. I can’t afford it. She relays it to Jake. On his own, she calls me back and goes Jake is going to pay for your hospitalization. He doesn’t want you saying anything, he just wants to do it to help you.”

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He added: “Jake Paul paid and saved my life when nobody was in my life. Jake f**king Paul paid for me to go to a mental health hospital and saved my life. Not a single person knew. He didn’t ask for a thank you or nothing.”

The two have kept in contact since, and despite Jake Paul gearing up to face Nate Diaz, he still took the time to reach out to Fousey during fight week.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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