
Fousey signs to Kick after being banned from Twitch twice in a week 2023

Fousey signs to Kick after being banned from Twitch twice in a week 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Fousey signs to Kick after being banned from Twitch twice in a week. Please like and share if You are interested!

YouTube star turned streamer Fousey has signed a deal with Kick after being banned from Amazon-owned platform Twitch twice in one week.

Starting out as a YouTuber over a decade, Fousey is now one of the biggest names in streaming at the moment. From being under fire and accused of taking advantage of a “trafficked” woman at an airport to the use of racial and homophobic slurs — it’s fair to say Fousey has been a major vocal point recently.

On August 7, Fousey was hit with a three-day ban for saying a “hateful slur” on stream, where on August 10, the streamer returned to continue his 24/7 broadcast — only to be banned for a second time in the space of a week.

Likewise to many others in the space, Fousey has now jumped ship following his second ban, signing a deal with rival platform Kick.

Fousey signs deal with Kick after second Twitch ban

In a tweet on August 12, the Twitch star revealed he signed a deal with Kick — and also apologized for his mistakes resulting in the two bans.

“Dear @Twitch I LOVE YOU. So much. But you dropped the ball HARD. I signed with KICK this week,” he wrote. “But STILL was gonna celebrate 24/7 on Twitch out of respect. And you banned me twice in 1 week.”

“I’m sorry for the F slur and driving wreck-less but in ALL my appeals I said “I don’t have a twitch rep. Please have someone teach me TOS.” Don’t worry, I’ll be back. But not this weekend. G7

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@KickStreaming ALL WEEKEND! Respectfully.

Furthermore, in a Kick stream the same day, Fousey said that signing a deal, “I started YouTube on March 25, 2011. Every YouTuber that started with me died ten times over. They now work a regular job, good for them, make a living.

“It’s 2023, I’m still here and I’ve just signed a deal with Kick and I’m about to take the f**k over.”

He added: “I’m live 24/7. The cameras never turn off, I show you everything even when I’m in the heat of drama and the internet is trying to cancel me. I’m live, so you see I don’t script sh*t, I don’t fake sh*t and everything’s real.”

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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