
Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend 2023

Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend. Please like and share if You are interested!

Giovanna Grigio: Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend, Net Worth: Giovanna is a popular Brazilian actress, model, singer, as well as a social media influencer. She was born on the 19th of January 1998 in Maua, Sao Paulo, Brazil. She is well-known for her splendid appearance in the television series named Chiquititas. She is presently trending on the internet.  Giovanna appeared  Emilia Alo in the  Mexican Netflix television drama series named Rebelde following which she gained huge fame in January 2022.  Giovanna came into the limelight for her stunning appearance in this series in January 2022. To know everything about  Giovanna Grigio and her life read this post!

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What Public Information Is Likely To Be Out There On The Average Person?Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend 1Giovanna Grigio

Giovanna Grigio’s Life and Education

She was born on the 19th of January 1998.  The birthplace of Giovanna is Maua, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Giovanna belongs to the Brazilian nationality. The current age of the popular Brazilian actress Giovanna is 24 years old as of January 2022.  And the zodiac sign of Giovanna is  Capricorn as per her date of birth. The popular Brazilian actress Giovanna celebrates her birthday with her family on the 19 of January each year.

Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend 2Giovanna Grigio

Giovanna is a resident of Brazil. Regarding Giovanna’s physical appearance, she is 5 feet and 4 inches tall by height. The weight of Giovanna’s body is around 58 kg. Giovanna has brown color beautiful eyes as well as brown color curly hair. Giovanna is stunning. Her personality is pleasing. She has an attractive face with a lovely smile. We don’t know from which/college Giovanna received her schooling.

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Giovanna must have received her schooling in her hometown. According to the sources, Giovanna attended the Fundacao das Artes in Sao Caetano do Sul to take acting training. Where she took acting training from 2007 to 2012. Later on,  Giovanna enrolled herself at a private institute to pursue Animation Design in Sao Paulo in the year 2019.

Giovanna Grigio Family

Giovanna belongs to a well-settled Brazilian family.  The name of Giovanna’s father is Marcelo Alexandre Dos Santos. The name of Giovanna’s mother is Janaina Grigio. Giovanna is raised by her parents. She is the loving daughter of her parents. She is so close to her parents. She shares a close bond of love and affection with her parents. We don’t know whether Giovanna has siblings or not is the family. There is no information available regarding Giovanna’s siblings on the internet at the moment. Giovanna has not revealed any information regarding her siblings as of now.  It may be possible that Giovanna is the only child of her parents. She follows the Christianity religion.

Giovanna Grigio Career- Actress and Model

Giovanna initiated modeling when she was a child. She has worked hard since her childhood to gain success. During her early career,  Giovanna has been featured in several advertising campaigns as a child model.  Later Giovanna also took acting training to enhance her acting skills.  After that, Giovanna initiated her acting career. With her hard work and talent, Giovanna became a  popular Brazilian actress.

Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend 3Giovanna Grigio

Giovanna appeared as Emilia Alo in the Mexican Netflix television drama series named Rebelde following which she gained huge fame and success in January 2022. The Mexican Netflix television drama series Rebelde was released on the 5th of January 2022. Giovanna has been cast in the main role in this series. Giovanna came into the limelight for her stunning appearance in this series in January 2022.

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Giovanna has gained massive fame and success in her acting career. Moreover, Giovanna has also won several awards for her splendid acting.  With her hard work and dedication, Giovanna has created the identity she has today.  Giovanna is successful and admirable.

Giovanna Grigio Net Worth, Income Sources, and Lifestyle

The main sources of income for Giovanna are movies, television series, modeling, media,  commercials, and promotions campaigns, and brands ads,  Giovanna works as a popular Brazilian actress, model,  singer, social media influencer, host, and presenter. Giovanna earns a good income from her various sources. According to the sources, the estimated net worth of Giovanna Grigio is $5 million to 10 million USD.  Giovanna has a luxurious lifestyle. She leads a lavish and blissful life.

Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend 4Giovanna Grigio

Giovanna Grigio’s Love Life and Boyfriend

There is no information available regarding  Giovanna’s love life on the internet at the moment.  Because Giovanna has not revealed her current relationship status and having a boyfriend on her social media handles. Giovanna was previously in a relationship with her boyfriend named Johnny Baroli in October 2016.  But Giovanna and Johnny broke up in January 2017. It seems that Giovanna is presently single.

Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend 5Giovanna Grigio

Here is the full bio of Giovanna Grigio, her family, mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, school, education,  hometown, profession, nationality, body measurements, age, height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, cast, birthday, birthplace, hobbies, address,  zodiac sign, date of birth,  religion, net worth.

Giovanna Grigio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

NameGiovanna Grigia
NicknameGigi Grigio
ProfessionActress,  Model, Singer,  Social Media Star, Social Media Influencer, Host, and Presenter
Height (approx.)in centimeters– 160 cm

in meters-1.6 m

in feet inches-‘‘5’3

Weight (approx.)in kilograms– 58 kg

in pounds– 128 Ibs

Figure Measurements (approx.)36-27-38
Eye ColourBrown
Hair ColourBrown
Date of Birth19 January 1998
Age (as in 2022)24 Years
Birth PlaceMaua, Sao, Paulo, Brazil
Zodiac sign/Sun signCapricorn
HometownNot Known
SchoolNot Known
College/UniversityFundacao das Artes in Sao Caetano do Sul
Educational QualificationNot Known
CasteNot Known
AddressNot Known
Hobbies/InterestsNot Known
Marital StatusUnmarried
Affairs/Boyfriends/GirlfriendsNot Known
SexualityNot Known
ParentsFather: Marcelo Alexandre Dos Santos

Mother: Janaina Grigio

SiblingsBrother: Not Known

Sister: Not Known

Net Worth$5 Million-$10 Million
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Giovanna Grigio: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend 6Giovanna Grigio with her cat

Social Media Accounts:




Some Lesser Known Facts About Giovanna Grigio

  • Giovanna Grigio is a Brazilian celebrity
  • Giovanna has been featured on the official page of  Wikipedia.
  • Giovanna promotes various products and brands on her social media handles.
  • Giovanna is an avid cat lover has a pet cat at her house.
  • Giovanna is also recognized for her nickname, Gigi  Grigio.
  • Giovanna is fond of drawing and sketching and enjoys doing it.
  • Giovanna has gathered 6.3 million followers on her Instagram account and 7.4 million followers on her Facebook page as of January 2022.

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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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