
Greg Brockman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

Greg Brockman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Greg Brockman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Greg Brockman (born November 29, 1987) is an entrepreneur and investor from the United States. He is currently the President and Chairman of OpenAI. In addition, he was one of the company’s co-founders. Prior to this, he gained business experience while working at Stripe.

Quick Facts

Real NameGregory Brockman
ProfessionEntrepreneur and investor
Age36 [as of 2023]
Date of Birth29 November 1987
BirthplaceThompson, North Dakota, USA
HometownThompson, North Dakota, USA
Zodiac SignSagittarius
CollegeUniversity of North DakotaHarvard UniversityMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Famous ForCo-founding OpenAI

Greg Brockman Biography

Greg Brockman was born on November 29th, in Thompson, North Dakota, USA, into an American family. Greg is his nickname, and he was born under the sign of Sagittarius. He graduated from Red River High School in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

He earned his bachelor’s degree at the University of North Dakota. In 2009, he attended Harvard University to study mathematics and computer science. In 2010, he enrolled in a computer science course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He dropped out of both universities, according to Forbes.

Greg Brockman Age, Height, And Weight

Greg Brockman is 36 years old as of 2023. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs approximately 86 kg. Brockman has brown eyes and black hair. His body measurements are unknown, but his shoe size is 11.5 (US).

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Greg Brockman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 1Greg Brockman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2


Greg Brockman was always interested in computer programming as a child. He was eventually able to create a chatbot and even something that talked about the weather. He became more interested in artificial intelligence as time passed. As a result, he began researching programming languages and met aspiring entrepreneurs. In fact, he enrolled in university to meet like-minded individuals and those looking to launch their own start-ups.

He was eventually approached by an unlaunched startup, which sparked the start of his entrepreneurial journey. Despite studying computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he dropped out in 2010 to join the payments startup, Stripe.

He began his career as the company’s founding engineer before being promoted to CTO in 2013. He was instrumental in growing the company to over 250 employees. He stayed with the company for another two years in the same position.

He left Stripe in 2015 to join OpenAI. His interest in artificial intelligence was the driving force behind the company’s formation. The company was founded by Ilya Sutskever, Trevor Blackwell, Vicki Cheung, and a few others after constant meetings with prominent entrepreneurs.

While the other co-founders held various positions in the company’s upper management, he was named President and Chairman. Over the last eight years, the company has grown from a random non-profit AI organization to one of the world’s leading AI firms. Though the company invented many things, it is best known for launching the AI chatbot ChatGPT. It was first released in late November 2022 and continues to provide the most recent updates on a regular basis.

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Greg Brockman Wife, Marriage

Greg Brockman is currently married. Anna is the name of his wife. They started dating in 2018 and decided to marry a year later in November 2019. He announced the happy occasion on Twitter by posting photos of himself with his significant other. He hasn’t, however, revealed any additional information about her. He could have been in at least one relationship prior to his marriage.

His ethnicity is mixed, and he is an American citizen. Ronald Brockman is his father, and Ellen Feldman is his mother. They are both reputable physicians who work at Altru Health System. According to our research, he has an older brother. His name and profession, however, are unknown.

Greg Brockman’s Net Worth

Greg Brockman’s net worth is estimated to be $45 million as of July 2023. His primary sources of income are investments and salary. He receives a seven-figure annual salary from the company as a member of OpenAI’s top management.

Despite the fact that Microsoft owns 49 percent of the company, he retains some ownership. His exact share percentage, however, is not publicly available. In addition, he actively earns returns on his investments.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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