In this Article, We will know about Henry Kingi- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!
Henry Kingi is a stuntman and actor from the United States. He is most known as a stuntman in the 2011 action picture ‘Fat Five,’ directed by Justin Lin. In addition, he is well-known for his roles in Venom (2018), Predator 2 (1990), and Bad Boys II (2003).
Quick Facts
Real Name | Henry Kingi |
Nick Name | Henry |
Date Of Birth | December 02, 1943 |
Age | 79 years old |
Birthplace | Los Angeles, California, USA |
Nationality | American |
Profession | Actor, Stuntman |
Height | 6 feet 4 inches |
Weight | 70 kg |
Hair Color | Grey |
Eye color | Dark Brown |
Net Worth | $3 million |
Henry Kingi’s Age & Early Life
Henry Kingi was born on December 2, 1943, in Los Angeles, California, USA. Masao Kingi (father) and Heneiella D. Dunn (mother) are his parents’ names. However, he has never revealed any information about his brother to the public. Kingi is an American citizen of mixed Native American, African American, European, and Japanese ancestry. In addition, his academic credentials are now hidden.
Henry Kingi Height & Weight
The stuntman is an amazing 6 feet 4 inches tall. He is most likely of average weight, although the actual size has not yet been revealed. His hair is grey, and he has dark brown eyes.

![Henry Kingi- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2]()
Henry Kingi’s Net Worth
How much is Henry Kingi’s net worth? Henry Kingi’s net worth is believed to be $3 million as of July 2023. His excellent profession as an actor is obviously his primary source of money.
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Henry had his first cinematic debut in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1969 picture Topaz when he played the uncredited part of a guy in the Hotel Theresa corridor. Following that, he had a credited role in Daniel Boone’s episode ‘Run for the Money,’ in which he played Straight Arrow. Similarly, Kingi appeared as Candy Man in Isaac Hayes’ 1974 film Truck Turner. After a year, he co-starred with Yul Brynner in the 1975 picture The Ultimate Warrior. He also starred as a bad guy or stuntman in the TV series ‘The A Team’ from 1983 to 1987.
In addition to performing, he is a stunt performer and a member of the BSA. He also founded the BSA (Black Stuntmen’s Association) with Essie Smith, Ernie Robinson, Alex Brown, and Bob Minor. Kingi drove stunts in the 1987 action picture Lethal Weapon. He also worked on the films Lethal Weapon 2, 3, and 4. He helped stunt coordinator Conrad E. Palmisano on the production of Lethal Weapon 4. He was the one who drove the automobile in the sequence when it drives through the office and out the window in the film.
Henry Kingi Wife & Marriage
Who is Henry Kingi’s wife? Henry Kingi had a divorce. He has married two people thus far in his life. On June 21, 1966, she married Eilene Frances Davis for the first time. The couple has two children together. Henry Kingi Jr., their son born on June 3, 1970, is also a stunt performer. On November 19, 1980, the pair divorced after 14 years of marriage.
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Later, on May 16, 1981, Kingi married actress Lindsay Wagner. On the set of ‘The Bionic Woman,’ the two met. They also have two kids, both of whom are stuntmen. Dorian Kingi, their first son, was born in 1982, and Alex Kingi, their second son, was born in 1986. However, their marriage did not work out and they divorced in 1984.
Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography
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