
How to Add Music to Your Photo Carousels on Instagram 2023

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Instagram introduces a music feature for photo carousels. Here’s how to use it for more interesting and engaging carousels.

Are you looking for ways to make your Instagram carousels more engaging? Maybe you’re one of those users who aren’t really sure how to use carousels, so you tend to shy away from them. But photo carousels have so much potential, and Instagram has improved them to help you get noticed.

Instagram allows you to add music to your photo carousels to make them a little more interesting. Adding music to your photo carousels is easy; we’ll show you exactly how to do it. Follow along to get started.

Instagram Adds Music Functionality to Photo Carousels

Instagram has added music functionality to carousel posts as of August 11, 2023. It announced the addition in an Instagram blog post, which reads:

Whether you’re sharing a collection of summer memories with friends or moments from your camera roll, you can now add music to your photo carousels. Building off our launch of music for feed photos, anyone can add a song to capture the mood and bring their carousel to life.

Instagram introduced carousels in 2017, but they still haven’t picked up as much steam as other post types. According to a Search Engine Journal study, carousels only account for 19% of Instagram posts, even though they get more engagement than other post types. This may be due to users not really knowing how to make their carousels interesting or what to add to them.

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How to Add Music to Your Photo Carousels on Instagram

If you’ve ever wondered whether to start creating photo carousels to post on Instagram, this is your sign. Adding music can help your carousels stand out more, and it works the same as adding music to a single Instagram photo post.

3 Images How to Add Music to Your Photo Carousels on Instagram 1 How to Add Music to Your Photo Carousels on Instagram 2 How to Add Music to Your Photo Carousels on Instagram 3

Follow the steps below to add music to a photo carousel on Instagram:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap the + icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Choose at least two photos to add to your carousel and tap Next to continue editing as you normally would.
  3. Once you get to the last page, and you’ve added your captions and tags as necessary, tap Add music.
  4. Instagram always suggests music to add to your posts, but you can choose your own. Browse or use the search function to find the song you’re looking for if you have something specific in mind. Alternatively, tap Saved to check your favorites for something suitable.
  5. Finally, tap Share in the top-right corner when you’re ready to post, and that’s it. The song will be shown above your carousel in the feed.

Why Add Music to a Photo Carousel Instead of Posting a Reel?

How to Add Music to Your Photo Carousels on Instagram 4

Nowadays, many creators focus on Reels because video content is so popular, and they don’t want to get left behind. But there’s a reason why creators mix up their content; there’s a time and place for both photo and video content. However, as popular as Reels have become, they’re time-consuming to create.

Think about the time and resources that go into shooting and editing—just the thought of it can be daunting. That’s why creators break up their feeds with photo posts. But photos can get mundane and boring. And that’s where carousels come in.

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Adding music to photo carousels on Instagram is a step up from that, and it bridges the gap between photos and Reels. It’s one of the ways to get noticed on Instagram. Do this when you want to post something interesting but don’t have time to shoot and edit a Reel. That way, your post will still look intentional, as opposed to merely slapping a photo on your profile and calling it a day.

Do More With Photo Carousels on Instagram

Instagram has come a long way since its early days. No longer just a photo-sharing app, Instagram now allows you to do so much more, including with photos and carousels. Add music to your photo carousels to bring them to life when you don’t have the time to chop up a video or edit a Reel.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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