
How to Anonymously View Profiles on TikTok 2023

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In this Article, We will know about How to Anonymously View Profiles on TikTok. Please like and share if You are interested!

You can view TikTok profiles without the app notifying the user if you follow these methods.

TikTok is not quite like Instagram or many other social media platforms. Snooping on others doesn’t always go undetected. For example, on TikTok, most users can see that you’ve just viewed their profile.

That might make you wary of viewing another user’s TikTok profile. However, there are ways to view another user’s TikTok profile discreetly. Want to view a TikTok profile without the app notifying them? Try out one of our methods in this guide.

1. Turn Off Profile View History

Whenever you’re curious about seeing who has viewed your profile on TikTok, there’s the option to check your profile view history. It shows you who has checked your profile in the past 30 days. However, this feature is only available to users 16 years and older with less than 5,000 followers on the app.

Now, if you turn off your profile view history, you won’t know who has viewed your profile. At the same time, if you view other users’ profiles, you won’t appear on their profile view history. So they won’t notice that you have viewed their profile.

You can disable profile view history on TikTok in two ways.

The first way is with your profile settings. Follow these steps:

1. Open the TikTok app and tap the Profile button in the bottom right corner.

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2. Tap the three-line icon and then click on Settings and Privacy.

3. In the menu options, select Privacy.

2 Images How to Anonymously View Profiles on TikTok 1 How to Anonymously View Profiles on TikTok 2

4. Scroll down to Profile Views.

5. Toggle the profile view history off.

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There’s another way to disable your profile view history on TikTok:

1. Open the TikTok app and tap the Profile button in the bottom-right corner.

2. Beside the three-line button, you’ll notice a footprint icon. Click on it. (If someone has viewed your profile recently, you’ll see their profile picture instead of the footprint icon and the corresponding number of views.)

3. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen.

4. Then, toggle the profile view history off.

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Once you’ve done that, you should be able to discreetly check out another user’s TikTok profile. You can turn the profile views feature on and off as many times as you like. But if you snoop on a profile and then (before a 30-day window closes) you turn your profile view back on, you’ll re-appear on their profile view history.

2. Browse TikTok as a Guest

How to Anonymously View Profiles on TikTok 8

Now, if you think sacrificing your ability to know who’s viewing your profile history is too much of a price to pay for anonymity, you can also try browsing TikTok as a guest. TikTok still allows you to enjoy the exciting content it has to offer without forcing you to create an account or sign in.

So you can log out of your TikTok account. To do that, head over to your profile, click on the three-line icon, and select Settings and Privacy. Scroll down the options and click Log out. The downside to logging out of your account on the TikTok mobile app is that you would risk losing all of your saved drafts.

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Alternatively, visit in your browser and then search for the user’s profile. By using TikTok on the web, without signing in to an account, you’ll be interacting with content as a guest.

Here’s what you can do on TikTok as a guest. You can watch videos. However, you would not be listed as one of the people who viewed a creator’s TikTok videos. And you can view another user’s TikTok profile without appearing on their profile view history.

But there are things you’ll be unable to do as a guest. You won’t be able to like, comment, or save a video to your favorites. And you cannot post videos of your own or send direct messages.

If you’re looking to customize your TikTok viewing experience, you’ll also need to be logged in.

3. Use A Different Account

How to Anonymously View Profiles on TikTok 9

A burner account is an account you set up under an alias, and no one knows it belongs to you. It’s pretty much as simple as creating a second TikTok account without attaching your personal details.

There are several reasons why you should maintain a private profile on social media. For one, on TikTok, with a burner account, you can get away with viewing another user’s profile without them knowing it’s you.

However, you should be careful how you use this cloak of anonymity. Do not stalk, bully, or harass others online.

Defining Your Experience on TikTok

You may not want your name to end up on another user’s profile view history for several reasons. But whenever you want to be discrete, simply use any of the methods we’ve outlined, and you should be good to go.

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Your experience on TikTok largely depends on how you utilize all its obvious and not-so-obvious features, so feel free to explore.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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