
How to Delete a Facebook Business Page 2023

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In this Article, We will know about How to Delete a Facebook Business Page. Please like and share if You are interested!

If you’ve decided to forego your Facebook page, getting rid of that Facebook page is a thankfully painless process.

Running a Facebook page can be a great way to promote our business and connect with fans, but with more and more engagement in private Facebook groups, and some pretty big changes happening to your Facebook news feed, it’s becoming a lot more difficult to successfully run a Facebook page.



If you’ve decided to forego your Facebook page for a different way to reach your audience, or if you’re moving in a new direction with your career, getting rid of that Facebook page is a thankfully painless process.

How to Delete a Business Facebook Page

To delete a Facebook page you’ve created for your business navigate to that page and do the following:

  1. Click Settings at the top of the page.
  2. Scroll down to the very last option under General – Remove Page – and click Edit. How to Delete a Facebook Business Page 1
  3. Click the link to delete your page.
  4. In the popup window that opens click Delete Page.
  5. You should see a message confirming that your page has entered deletion mode. How to Delete a Facebook Business Page 2

To see the process in action, check out the video below:

There are a few things to bear in mind:

  • You have 14 days to change your mind. If you decide you don’t want to delete your page you can restore it by going to the page before the two week period ends and clicking Cancel Deletion.
  • If you want to give yourself a break from running a Facebook page but don’t want to delete it completely, you can unpublish it so only admins can see it. You will also not lose your followers if you do this.
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To create a new page, follow our guide to creating a Facebook business page.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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