
How to delete TikTok videos 2023

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If you want to clear your TikTok account of some of your old content, or want to completely re-upload something, you’ll first need to know how to delete videos. Here’s how to delete TikTok videos.

With TikTok continuing its exponential climb in popularity, more and more people are joining the social media app to take a look at some of the internet’s most viral content.

While some like to simply browse through other people’s videos on their For You Page, many are posting videos of their own, either just for fun or because they want to start generating a solid following on the platform.

TikTok has added a whole range of editing and sharing features that make creating and uploading content easier than ever, but naturally, there might come a time where you need to delete a video for whatever reason — whether that’s because you plan to re-upload it or because you want it gone from your page for good.

Unsplash: May GauthierTikTok is home to a host of content creators and viral videos.

How to delete a video on TikTok

Fortunately, deleting a video on TikTok is not a complicated process. Here’s all you have to do:

  1. Launch TikTok.
  2. Go to the ‘Profile’ tab.
  3. Tap on the video you want to delete from your profile.
  4. Click the three dots in the bottom-right corner.
  5. Scroll along and select the Delete button, then click ‘Delete’ again when prompted to confirm.
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If you don’t want to delete the video entirely but just want to restrict who can see it, follow the steps above until you click on the three dots, and tap ‘Privacy settings.’ From there you can change the video to ‘Only me’ so that others will not be able to view it.

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If you want to learn more about how to use TikTok, be sure to check out our other guides here:

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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