
How to Delete Your Reddit Account 2023

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In this Article, We will know about How to Delete Your Reddit Account. Please like and share if You are interested!

Reddit is a useful tool for meeting like-minded people and answering questions. But what if you’ve had enough of it?

Key Takeaways

  • Before deleting your Reddit account, make sure to delete your posts and comments to avoid leaving a trace. Deactivating your account without deleting them will keep them on the site, but without a username.
  • Premium members need to manually cancel their subscription on their device if they deactivate their Reddit account. The process differs depending on if you purchased the subscription on iOS, Android, or through PayPal/credit card.
  • Deleting your Reddit account is possible on iOS devices and the Reddit website, but not on the Android app.



Reddit can be fun to use at times, but what happens when you’ve had enough of it? Maybe you’ve decided you’d like to try another app instead, or perhaps you just don’t need to use the platform anymore.

Whatever your reason, you’re reading this article because you want to know how to delete your Reddit account. The process is sometimes a bit tricky, but we’ll show you how.

What to Do Before Deleting Your Reddit Account

Before you remove your Reddit account, it’s important to delete posts and comments if you don’t want to leave a trace. Deactivating your account without deleting these means that your posts and comments will remain on the site, though without a username.

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Even if you delete Reddit, sent messages will still appear in user inboxes—unless they delete them from their end. Again, though, the user will just see “[deleted]” when they try to find out who it’s from.

If you’re a premium member, Reddit won’t automatically cancel your subscription if you deactivate your account. If you purchased your subscription with your Apple ID, you’ll have to cancel your subscription on your iPhone or iPad.

If you purchased it on Android, you’ll also have to unsubscribe using the Play Store. If you used PayPal or a credit/debit card, visit the Subscriptions section of your User Settings to cancel.

How to Delete Your Posts and Comments on Reddit

Before we talk about how to delete a Reddit account, let’s begin with showing you how to remove posts and comments.

The process is simple; all you need to do is follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to on your browser.
  2. Enter your username and password, then hit Log In.
  3. Navigate to your profile.
  4. Click on the Posts tab.
  5. When you see the post you want to delete, select the three dots and scroll down to Delete.

How to Delete Your Reddit Account 1

To delete a comment, the steps are almost identical. All you need to do is click the Comments tab > the three dots > Delete.

How to Delete Your Reddit Account

How to Delete Your Reddit Account 2

Once you’ve deleted all your posts and comments on Reddit, or if you don’t care about them, you can proceed to delete your Reddit account.

While you can delete Reddit, you can only do so from certain platforms: the iOS app and the Reddit website. There’s currently no account deletion feature on the Reddit Android app.

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How to Delete Your Reddit Account on iOS

Deleting your Reddit account from an iOS device is pretty simple. Just follow the steps below:

3 Images How to Delete Your Reddit Account 3 How to Delete Your Reddit Account 4 How to Delete Your Reddit Account 5

  1. Open the Reddit app on your device.
  2. Click on the profile picture in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Select Settings, then scroll down to Delete account.

How to Delete Your Reddit Account on the Website

Deleting your Reddit account from the website is just as easy as doing so on iOS. Simply follow the steps below:

  1. Go to on your computer and sign in.
  2. Click on the area where your username and avatar is.
  3. On the dropdown menu that you’ll then see, select User Settings.
  4. Scroll down and click on Delete Account.

How to Delete Your Reddit Account 6

Enter your username and password with an optional feedback. Tick the “I understand that deactivated accounts are not recoverable” box and click Deactivate to continue.

How to Delete Your Reddit Account 7

Can I Recover a Deleted Reddit Account?

Account deletion on Reddit is permanent and irreversible. You can’t access or recover data from a deleted Reddit account. However, this does not mean that you can’t go back to Reddit at all.

You can always create a new account and start over. You can also browse Reddit without an account, but you won’t be able to post, comment, vote, or join any communities.

Deleting Your Reddit Account Is Easy

If you have decided that Reddit is not for you anymore, deleting your account is easy and quick. Just follow the steps above and say goodbye to your Reddit history.

However, make sure you are aware of the consequences of deleting your account, such as losing access to your posts, comments, messages, subreddits, karma, awards, and preferences.

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Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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