
How to get the Gender Swap filter on TikTok 2023

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In this Article, We will know about How to get the Gender Swap filter on TikTok. Please like and share if You are interested!

The Gender Swap filter is the latest trend to have gone viral. It does exactly as it promises — shows you what you’d look like in the opposite gender. Here’s everything to know about how to try it for yourself.

There has been a number of different filters and effects that have gone viral on TikTok in the past few years, including everything from AI effects to makeover filters.

Lately, TikTokers have become obsessed with crazy effects that transform your appearance. Many have shared videos of themselves trying these out, and amassed millions of views for their epic results.

Earlier this month, FaceApp’s old age filter garnered traction on the short-form video app, as users were eager to find out what they’d look like as an elderly person. Then, the Long Hair filter went viral, with men trying it out to see what they’d look like with long locks.

Now, the Gender Swap filter is doing the rounds on TikTok. The effect can change your gender from male to female or vice versa in a scarily accurate way. Here’s how you can try it out.

How to do the Gender Swap filter on TikTok

The filter isn’t available on TikTok, but on another app called FaceApp which contains all kinds of wild effects. Once you’ve downloaded the app for free on the App Store or Google Play, just simply follow these steps:

  1. Open FaceApp
  2. Upload a photo of yourself.
  3. Click ‘Gender’ at the bottom.
  4. Choose one of the options.
  5. Save the photo to your camera roll.
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To make a video where it swipes between the genders, you’ll need to use the TikTok-linked app CapCut.

How to make a video with CapCut

Once you’ve downloaded the free app, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open TikTok and type “Gender Swap Filter” into the search bar.
  2. Find a video of someone that has used the filter. 
  3. Click on “CapCut – Try this template” above their username.

You will then be redirected to CapCut. Follow the steps to create the video and save it. Now you can upload your clip to TikTok!

If you want to try out more of TikTok’s most popular filters, you can check out our guides here:

How to use the Invisible Body filter on TikTok | How to get the fake smile filter on TikTok | How to get the Red Dress filter on TikTok | How to get TikTok’s viral Polaroid filter | How to get TikTok’s ‘SpongeBob voice’ filter

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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