
How to Start a Space on X (Formerly Twitter) 2023

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In this Article, We will know about How to Start a Space on X (Formerly Twitter). Please like and share if You are interested!

You can start a Space on Twitter (now known as X) to create an audio chatroom that other users can join.

Spaces on X (formerly Twitter) complement the text experience on the platform and provide another way to connect with your followers, share thoughts, and learn from others. Spaces are versatile and have been used for hosting different kinds of events, including a presidential campaign launch.

But what does it take to host a Space on X? Read on to find out.

How to Create a Space on Twitter/X

Chances are you already know what an X Space is and how it works. So, we’ll go straight to how to start one.

Here are the steps to start an audio chat on Spaces:

3 Images How to Start a Space on X (Formerly Twitter) 1 How to Start a Space on X (Formerly Twitter) 2 How to Start a Space on X (Formerly Twitter) 3

  1. Open the X app on your phone and tap the compose button in the bottom-right corner.
  2. Tap on the Spaces icon.
  3. Give your Space a name.
  4. Select one or more topics.
  5. Tap Start your Space to go live.

You can schedule a Space in advance. To do so, tap the timer icon beside the Start your Space button and select your preferred time. You can also record your Spaces to share with those who couldn’t make it to the live session.

How to Manage Your Twitter/X Space

Once you start your Space, you will see a microphone icon at the bottom of your screen. This is where you can mute and unmute yourself. You can see the number of listeners and speakers in your Space by tapping the people icon at the bottom of your screen. From there, you can view listeners profiles, follow them, or invite them to speak.

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As a Space host, you control the conversation. You can mute and unmute participants, remove them from the Space, or block them from joining again.

You can also invite more people to join your Space by sharing the link on X or other platforms. To do this, tap the share icon and choose how you want to share your Space.

When you are ready to end your Space, simply tap End in the top-right corner of your screen. You will see a summary of your Space, including the duration and the number of listeners and speakers.

Using Spaces on X

Spaces are a fun and engaging way to interact with your audience and grow your network. By following the tips we’ve shared above, you can start and manage your first X space.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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