
How to Use the Add Yours Sticker on Instagram Reels 2023

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In this Article, We will know about How to Use the Add Yours Sticker on Instagram Reels. Please like and share if You are interested!

Instagram brings the Add Yours sticker to Reels. Here’s how to use it to increase your chances of starting a trend or going viral.

TikTok may be the king of short-form video, but Instagram Reels trail closely behind. And while there’s no comparing the two platforms, Instagram may just have a one-up on TikTok. Instagram Reels now have a fun, collaborative feature that TikTok doesn’t: the Add Yours sticker.

You know about it, and you’ve probably used it in your Instagram Stories. But you can now start trends by adding the sticker to your Reels. Stick around to learn how.

Instagram Allows You to Create Reels With the Add Yours Sticker

Instagram has added one more way to make your Reels more interesting: adding an Add Yours sticker. The addition was announced on Meta’s platforms and in an Instagram blog post on August 11, 2023, which reads:

With the Add Yours sticker, a creator or artist can invite their followers to join in on a fun prompt or challenge they create on Reels, and then hand-pick their favorite submissions to celebrate their fans’ creativity.

There are multiple reasons to love the Add Yours sticker on Instagram—the most obvious being its engagement potential. You’ve seen how Add Yours trends pick up in Stories. That’s because they’re quick and easy to jump onto. Now, you can enjoy the same benefits using the Add Yours sticker on Instagram Reels.

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Instagram Reels are similar to TikTok’s Stitch feature, except that TikTok Stitches don’t come with stickers. Instead, creators “stitch” their video to yours, usually to add their two cents to the topic at hand. When they do that, viewers can watch both videos in one sitting to get both perspectives. It’s a great way to add context and collaborate without making viewers work too hard to find the original video.

How to Add the Add Yours Sticker to an Instagram Reel

Adding Instagram’s Add Yours sticker to a Reel is as simple as slapping it on elsewhere.

3 Images How to Use the Add Yours Sticker on Instagram Reels 1 How to Use the Add Yours Sticker on Instagram Reels 2 How to Use the Add Yours Sticker on Instagram Reels 3

Follow the steps below to add it to your Instagram Reels:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap the + icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select Reel in the post options at the bottom of the screen and take a photo or choose a picture. Choose a template if you aren’t feeling too creative. Once that’s done, tap Next.
  3. Tap the Stickers icon on the editing screen (you’ll find it toward the top-right corner of the screen).
  4. Choose the Add Yours sticker.
  5. Write a prompt and tap Done. Position the sticker where you want and continue editing your Reel.
  6. When you’re done editing, tap Next to get to the last screen.
  7. Finish up your post by adding a caption, location, and anything else you like.
  8. Finally, tap Share to post the Reel.

That’s it. As you can see, it’s similar to the process of adding any other sticker to your Reel, so it should be easy to do.

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Because the Add Yours sticker is so popular, adding it to your Reels could increase the chances of it going viral. Check out more ways to create viral Instagram Reels.

Start a Trend With Instagram’s Add Yours Sticker

There are many ways to go viral on Instagram. Every day, creators upload Stories and Reels in the hopes they’ll blow up and gain popularity. Some creators have achieved this with the Add Yours sticker by chance, while others used it intentionally. It’s a testament to the benefits of using Instagram’s features to help grow your account and get your posts seen by more people.

As for you, you’ve probably participated in the Add Yours sticker trend in Instagram Stories. Now, you can hopefully start a trend of your own by adding it to your Reels. Think carefully about a prompt that most people can relate to and give it a try. Who knows? You might become an Instagram star because of it.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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