
How to Verify Your Threads Profile on Mastodon 2023

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In this Article, We will know about How to Verify Your Threads Profile on Mastodon. Please like and share if You are interested!

You can now verify your Threads account on Mastodon.

Do you use both Threads and Mastodon? If so, you might want to take advantage of Threads support for link verification. This will show your Mastodon followers that you own the Threads account linked on your profile.

Here’s what you need to know about adding a verified link to your Threads profile on Mastodon.

How to Verify Your Threads Profile Link on Mastodon

Instagram now supports rel=me links for link verification. The link verification feature allows you to verify a link to your Threads profile on platforms like Mastodon that support rel=me links.

Link verification does not give you a blue checkmark or any other badge on Mastodon. What it does is show a small icon next to your Threads profile link that indicates that it has been verified. This way, your Mastodon followers can trust that the Threads profile linked on your account is really yours and not someone else’s.

Verifying your Threads link can help you build trust with your Mastodon audience, as well as grow your following on Mastodon and Threads.

So how do you verify your Threads profile link on Mastodon? Here are the steps you need to follow:

3 Images How to Verify Your Threads Profile on Mastodon 1 How to Verify Your Threads Profile on Mastodon 2 How to Verify Your Threads Profile on Mastodon 3

  1. Open the Threads app on your phone and go to your profile page.
  2. Select Edit profile and tap on the Link tab.
  3. Copy and enter your full Mastodon link (e.g., in the link box.
  4. Tap the checkmark icon on the top-right to save your changes.
  5. Tap Share profile on your Threads profile page and copy your profile URL.
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The next steps will need to be taken in the Mastodon app.

3 Images How to Verify Your Threads Profile on Mastodon 4 How to Verify Your Threads Profile on Mastodon 5 How to Verify Your Threads Profile on Mastodon 6

  1. Select Edit profile on your Mastodon profile.
  2. Tap on Add row.
  3. Enter the Threads profile link you copied in the Content field.
  4. Enter “Threads” in the Label field.
  5. Tap the save icon on the top-right of your screen.

You will see a checkmark next to your Threads profile link, indicating that it has been verified. It may not instantly appear, so wait until your profile properly refreshes.

Verify Your Threads Profile Link on Mastodon in Minutes

Verifying the link to your Threads profile on Mastodon allows you to prove that the Threads profile you link to is yours and not someone else’s. This can help you build trust and credibility with your Mastodon audience, as well as grow your reach on both platforms.

If you want to try this feature out, just follow the steps we outlined above and verify your link in minutes.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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