
Inkbox Review 2022 – Do These Temporary Tattoos Really Work? 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Inkbox Review 2022 – Do These Temporary Tattoos Really Work?. Please like and share if You are interested!

It’s 2020 and people looking get permanent pieces of body often road test ideas and concepts by utilizing temporary ink, especially for more riskier high visibility tattoos.

One of the most popular products available is Inkbox. The following video and article will comprehensively break down the Inkbox experience.

What are Inkbox tattoos?

Image: @inkedvisible via Instagram

Inkbox temporary tattoos are decal style stencils designed to look like a real tattoo for a period of 1-2 weeks.

The Inkbox range offers stencil designs in a multitude of styles and sizes or the option to create your own if you are looking to get a product matching a specific concept you wish to road test.

The product is aimed at those who are looking into the possibility of permanent tattoos but not ready to commit, those with questions about size, style, and placement that need answering before finalizing a real tattoo, or those looking for nothing more than a fun and entertaining experience.

Pros and cons of Inkbox temporary tattoos

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Image: @inkedvisible via Instagram


  • Cool, fun product to get and play with
  • Simple, clear instructions and useful information
  • Good for figuring out size and style, particularly for visible tattoo possibilities
  • Great to narrow down choices in style
  • Concepts look good when using simple style ink
  • Non toxic product and no mess or fuss
  • Really wide range of standard tattoo design choices and sizes
  • Great opportunities for customizing tattoos


  • They don’t look like a permanent tattoo at any stage
  • Not designed for application or to last long in warm environments
  • Large variations in time of full brightness
  • Comparatively expensive for short lasting temp tattoo
  • Blur easily, especially when you get tattoos for the hands or fingers
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How long do Inkbox temporary tattoos last?

Inkbox tattoos are advertised to last one or two weeks on the skin, however in their product packaging they outline variations in the time that they’ll hold up, which is necessary.Mine were gone almost completely after one week.

One hour after removing stencils

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Two hours after stencils removed

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After 24 -48 hours 

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After 3 days

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After 3 days

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After 4 days

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After five days

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After 6 days

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 After 1 week

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One very significant issue I found during my project is that Inkbox tattoos are significantly less effective for both clarity of image and length of time they last when applied in warm temperatures.

For my review purposes, the blurriness of the image wasn’t too important as I wanted to get information on whether I may get those sweet finger and hand tattoos I’ve liked for the past decade.

Others would probably be royally pissed off if this happened, given the Inkbox product pricing and for the time you spend with blurry blue gray ink on your skin.

While Inkbox recommends that you don’t apply their tattoos beyond a range of 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit (or 20-24 degrees Celsius) from my experiences and those of others, it needs to be even cooler than that to be effective.

I found that the decals began lifting almost immediately, and some came off all together after less than 15 minutes. While the hand and finger tattoos must be the trickiest Inkbox designs to apply, this may be the biggest problem in the product design and execution.

In the end I kept my finger tattoos on by adding sticky tape to help keep them down. Make sure you have some on hand, and also make sure you’re somewhere cool and dry when doing the entire application, not just for 15 minutes!

How do Inkbox tattoos work?

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It’s a simple application process.

The Inkbox “Now Ink” is deployed by applying a decal stencil to transfer and sink into the epidermis (or top layer) of your skin. This mimics the top layer of a permanent tattoo, and is meant to last longer than similar transfer style temporary products.

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From 24-36 hours of application it will go from a blue-green color to strengthen and darken, with the Ink lasting 1-2 weeks.

The temporary weakens as the skin regenerates before disappearing but Inkbox claims at it’s peak the designs look like a real tattoo.

What comes in an Inkbox temporary tattoo pack?

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Image: @inkedvisible via Instagram

The Inkbox tattoo packaging is sweet and very 2020. The product is slick, professional, and effectively designed to make it easy for you to apply the decals. You open the package and see fun right from the outset.

In each pack you’ll find the clearly labelled pre-application wipes, clear and comprehensive instructions, a link to the the Inxbox application video, plus information on how long various placements of Inkbox temporary tattoos last on the skin. And you”ll also find your Inkbox tattoos in blue on white stencils.

If, like Next Luxury did, you purchase one of the bundles of different Inkbox designs, they’re split up into 2-3 max per package and then bundled together with multiple information sheets and pre-application wipes.

There’s nothing to it!

Why use temporary tattoos?

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Temporary tattoos earn the ire of many traditionalists in the industry, but the various forms of semi-permanent body art can be perfect for different purposes.

When it comes to products such as Inkbox that use the decal approach to applying designs, they are best used as a “test run” for design choices and placement.

Inkbox and it’s competitors draw inspiration for their designs from everyday tattoo art – both custome and flash. Many people choose designs that they are considering for an actual tattoo and use this process to get a firm idea about placement, size, style and orientation.

On the expensive end of the spectrum are high quality air brushed designs utilized by film studios or sold in market stalls all over. The quality varies with the price – short lasting and cartoonish freehand ink means a cheap application, whereas professional looking pieces can be just as expensive as many tattoos and cast last for a few days before needing re-application or removal.

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Are there many temporary tattoo designs to choose from?

Inkbox Review 2022 – Do These Temporary Tattoos Really Work? 35Inkbox Review 2022 – Do These Temporary Tattoos Really Work? 36

One of the best characteristics of Inkbox is that there are numerous design styles. You can pick from a huge range of styles and size that mirror popular real tattoo concepts.

The tattoos work well in groups – Inkbox offer bundle packages by style or position so that you can road test a number of ideas you may be contemplating.

For me, I was able find some interesting classics like I have in permanent tattoos – skulls, roses and animals – but utilize their bundle packages to get ones i could use to trial hand, finger, and throat tattoos.

If none of their pre-designed temporary ink transfers appeal to your tastes there is a facility via the Inkbox website for you to make designs in the style and size of your choice.

Are Inkbox tattoos worth it?

I really wanted to like the Inkbox product and say clearly in the 2020 review that these are brilliant, but that may be overselling the temp tattoo experience quite a lot.

I found that there is valuable information that you can gather about potential permanent tattoo choices that you may make in the future. It was useful to feel what it was like to have a design in highly visible areas, even from just the periphery of vision.

The tattoos last nowhere near as long as they should for the cost. If you want to go big time with a temp tatt and you live in a warm weather environment, you must temper your expectations.

I had a lot of fun, as did my wife and kids, however at no stage did I look at the temp tattoos on my skin and think that they looked real. Neither did most people that I came in contact with during the week I had them on.

You may be able to fool your grandparents and the most anti ink cleanskin, however most people notice straight away that they aren’t real.

If you’re going to take the Inkbox route, be very clear about how you do it and what you want to get out of the experience.

Categories: Tattoos
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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