
Is Love Island USA on Netflix? 2023

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Season 5 of Love Island USA is finally here. Fans are curious about where they can stream the reality dating series. Are the new episodes available on Netflix? We’ve got everything you need to know to tune in.

Love Island USA is back with a whole new set of islanders looking for love in the villa. This season will be taking place on the beautiful beaches of Fiji, with arguably the most stunning villa yet.

Modern Family’s Sarah Hyland will be returning as a host, as will the show’s hilarious veteran narrator, Iain Stirling. And according to Sarah, this season is going to be one of the steamiest yet. 

“We have a lot of twists, a lot of sexy, steamy things going on, [and] fun challenges on the beach,” she spilled to The Wrap. “Our first episode will be a special 90 minutes [and] I think people are going to lose their minds for this first episode.” 

But fans are most eager to know where they can stream Love Island USA. Is the 5th season available on Netflix?

Where to stream Love Island USA

Fans of Love Island USA can enjoy the first two seasons of the show on Netflix. 

However, the new season will be streaming only on Peacock. It can be streamed in real-time when it premieres at 9 EST. 

The 5th season of Love Island USA is currently only available to view on Peacock. However, some of the previous seasons are available for streaming on Netflix (seasons 1-2) and Hulu (seasons 1-3.)

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Love Island is currently the most streamed reality show on Peacock. Fans of the dating series who don’t have an account only have to pay $6 a month for a subscription to the streaming service. 

For viewers outside the US, you’re still able to watch the show, and you can prepare for the June 5 premiere by downloading a VPN, such as ExpressVPN.

Here’s our easy guide to how you can watch Love Island from anywhere in the world by using the VPN.

  1. Get ExpressVPN.
  2. Connect to a server location inside the USA.
  3. Sign up for a Peacock account.
  4. Tune in and enjoy the drama!

Exclusive offer: Dexerto readers get 3 months free (save 49%). With a 30-day money-back guarantee, you can stream Summer Love Island 2023 UK risk-free.

If you click on a product link on this page we may earn a small affiliate commission.

To stay updated on all things Love Island and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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