
IShowSpeed says he “almost died” in first stream back from hospital 2023

IShowSpeed says he “almost died” in first stream back from hospital 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about IShowSpeed says he “almost died” in first stream back from hospital. Please like and share if You are interested!

Streaming star IShowSpeed has returned to YouTube for his first broadcast since being rushed to the hospital in July, claiming he “almost died” from the experience.

In mid-July, YouTube star IShowSpeed was rushed to the hospital during his visit to Japan due to a severe sinus infection that left his right eye completely swollen shut.

Speed complained of cluster headaches, saying the pain was so great that he feared for his life.

Luckily, the streamer managed to make a slow but steady recovery in the hospital — a recovery that was aided by the love of his fans, who gathered outside the hospital to cheer him on.

IShowSpeedIShowSpeed was rushed to the hospital in July due to a severe sinus infection.

During his stay, he managed to reach 19 million subscribers and has now returned home. Fans were curious to see when he’d make his return to streaming — and they didn’t have to wait long.

IShowSpeed returns to YouTube with first stream since leaving hospital

On August 15, Speed came back to YouTube with his first stream since leaving the hospital, where he opened up about the harrowing experience he endured due to his health condition.

“I am f*ckin’ back, bro,” he said. “Y’all don’t even know the pain I went through, bro. Y’all don’t know what the hell I went through, bro.”

“Bro, I almost f*cking died. I almost jumped off of a f*cking building, chat. I was this close to jumping off of a Japanese building. And I’m not trolling, bro. I’m being deadass. I swear on my life, bro. It was that freaking bad, bro.”

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Speed even claimed he had to undergo a spinal tap as part of his treatment and described his head pain as if he were being “stabbed” with a knife behind his eye.

“I literally had the worst-ever sinus infection,” he continued. “It got super, super bad. And the sinus infection was causing cluster headaches. …I pray none of y’all in the chat experience a cluster headache. It feels like somebody has a knife with your eye and are stabbing it from the back of your eye.”

“That’s the one that almost killed me. That’s the one that almost got me. …I went through so much. I’m still healing.”

Fans were quick to send their well-wishes to Speed as he continues to heal from the infection. A day prior, Speed’s editor claimed that the broadcaster was “impatient” with not streaming but wanted to make a full recovery before getting back to full-time content.

It’s clear that fans are happy with Speed’s recovery and continue to support the streamer after this shocking experience.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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